Shadowscapes Taroth - Death
Shadowscapes Tarot

Equinox, New Moon in Aries & Pluto into Aquarius

You probably realize this is a potent time right now what with the sun into Aries (equinox/astrological new year) the Aries New Moon AND Pluto into the sign of Aquarius for the first time in 245 years. We also just had Saturn into Pisces for the first time in 29 years. It’s a lot.

But the important thing, in the midst of all this significant astro, is to ask yourself, “What do I want?”

That’s not “What do they want for me? or What should I want? but What. Do. I. Want?

Answer that, and the path opens, the way paved for your next big thing.

If you want prompts, consider WHERE in your chart 0ยฐ Aries resides, and WHERE 0ยฐ Aquarius resides. Those are the houses, the area of life, to look the deepest. Also consider the rulers Mars and Uranus. Where do you want to experience and explore you edge, your genius, your autonomy and joie de vivre?

Where do you WANT to be fully independent, take action and call the shots?

Here are quick tips for your SOLAR houses but if you know your personal house placements, read for them too! Pop into the comments for thoughts or if you need a hand. โค๏ธ

Aries and Aquarius Tips sign by sign

Aries – 1st and 11th houses – Transform your groups and friendships, keeping those that support and weeding out any that undermine. Start the NEW life that you are after. Start it now!

Taurus– 12th and 10th houses – Let go of any career, mission or professional plans that are outdated. Look carefully. You might be running in a loop that’s going nowhere new. You have a fresh dream. Live it.

Gemini – 11th and 9th houses – Something innovative this way comes in the form of a new friend, project or group. You might be asked to take point. Your relationship to your higher self is blasting through the roof. Skyrocket!

Cancer10th and 8th – Ready for the new career path? It’s happening so make sure, this time, you land the fish you want, release the one you don’t. Your relationship to intimacy is transforming. Can you surrender to it?

Leo – 9th and 7th houses – Time to explore new horizons and push outside your comfort zone to find out what your are made of. A partnership is changing. Make it change for the better. It’s completely up to you.

Virgo8th – 6th houses – It’s time to take the financial reins and step up. Think bigger, better, less work and more reward. Your physicality is ripe for improvement. Connect to the body! Make a plan and follow it.

Libra 7th and 5th houses – Enter the new partnership. YIKES! It could be new for you or a transformation of one already in existence. As you allow for change, your creative spirit soars. Remember, it’s supposed to be FUN!

Scorpio – 6th and 4thhouses – It’s time to focus on your home, that which surrounds and protects. However you live, make it authentic to you. Your connection to mind-body-spirit wants attention too. Address!

Sagittarius – 5th and 3rd houses – You might be wrapped up in kids, romance, recreation, but where you can most benefit is focused on your creative heart. Fuel it. Fuel your mind with inspiration. The Muse is there for you.

Capricorn – 4th and 2nd houses – Your home is undergoing a makeover in some way, a reflection of your inner change. As you put energy in the outer form, so will your worthiness bloom. And, your finances.

Aquarius –  3rd and 1st houses – Time to take charge of your thoughts, your words and your actions. Your thoughts are uber powerful, and as you express them, so expands your impact on the world. Go get ’em!

Pisces – 2nd and 12th houses – The more you value yourself, respect and honor and believe in your true desires, the more your dreams come true. Be ready for new financial streams as in, ‘My ship’s coming in!’

See you in the comments.



New Year 2023 Scopes

Throw the Bones 2023 Horoscopes
Throw the Bones for 2023

LA – Dec 23 – 2:16 am
NY – Dec 23– 5:16 am
LON – Dec 23 – 10:16 am
SYD – Dec 2
4 – 9:16 pm

Welcome to New Years 2023Scopes

with Mercury Rx and Mars Rx Tips

Meanwhile, it’s time again to set your intentions for the upcoming New Moon in Capricorn, rising just after the Solstice and taking us on into the New Year 2023.

Iโ€™m watching the comments over the holidays, so if you have a specific question about your upcoming year, email me an image of your chart, and give me a heads up in the comments. Iโ€™ll respond to as many of you as I can with a personal tip for 2023.

Now, first thingโ€™s first. To get the MOST out of 2023, you’ll need to let go of 2022.

Thatโ€™s right. Let it go and hit reboot.

No matter the challenges, roller-coaster feels, cliff-hangers and near misses, the successes, or failures, kiss them goodbye.

And make it a loving kiss. A blessing. A feeling of gratitude for the experience and the fact that, holy moly, we are here for another round.

Once you do that, you can welcome in 2023 with a clean vibe.

NOTE: The New Year begins under a retrograde Mercury and Mars. Be ready for breakthroughs, opportunity and epiphanies that somehow hit pause or stall moments after they land. This is delay not denial.

Consider the sign by sign tips below to help you get the best out of this brilliant setup for the New Year 2023. It’s a beauty!

You can read your sun sign and rising sign for a fuller idea of the New Year.



Aries Glyph

Aries: The year of 2023 is a time where you feel more connected, more tapped in, more switched on and so much more capable. From this state, you experience deeper meaning in all four pillars of life: Self, Others, Career, Home. See it as a year of opportunity and adventure. A time when your horizons expand. Are you syked? Because itโ€™s happening!

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on your career sector. It’s actually a pretty good time of year for that! Set aside the space to reflect on your social identity, your relationship status and your missions in life. Delays are not denials!

With Mars still Rx in your communication sector, be aware that conversations, messages, text and emails can go astray, or be misinterpreted. Thereโ€™s a delay when it comes to getting the answers, or ideas, you want, but it’s not going to last that much longer. Be patient. Another offer, or concept-possibility, is just around the corner.


Taurus Glyph

Taurus: The focus in 2023 is on the creative, compassionate inner world of dreams. Itโ€™s awesome energy for meditation, artistry and helping those less fortunate; not so spectacular for taxes and meeting hard deadlines. The key is to go with projects that hold true value to you, not just opportunities for financial reward. Trust me. This will work!

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on travel, education and adventures into the unknown. Go ahead and rethink this area of life, and if you have big plans, allow plenty of extra time for missing assignments, tickets, passports and parking places. It’s healthy to slow down!

With Mars Rx in your 2nd house of $$$, values and sustainability, you might notice how LONG it takes to get paid, gain the new income stream, credentials for a new skill or a longed-for outcome. (Frustratingly long!) Do your best to see it as a natural pause, an easing off of a hectic pace, a chance to gather more energy for the next bull run.  A delay, not a denial. Hang in there.


Gemini Glyph

Gemini: 2023 is a year of finding your tribe. Your allies! Whatever youโ€™ve got brewing in the area of groups and new associations, you can move forward soon after the New Year with absolute confidence. Your friends are poised to support and nurture you from all sides. If you need extra funding or loans, thereโ€™s a particular ally whoโ€™s hanging out to help. Allow it!

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts a brakes on royalties, loans, grants and joint finances. This is where you chill out, reflect on your authentic goals and don’t be afraid to change your mind. Just give it until the end of January or so to make any hard and fast shifts. For now, you rethink it.

With Mars Rx in your house of Self vs. Others, you will have some โ€˜meโ€™ time on the cards. This may create much-needed space to reconnect to your core values and what you really want. It could also feel isolating, and if so, best explore that with an open mind too. Note: Hold off on making a radical change in appearance or anything to do with contract signing until after mid-January 2023.


Cancer Glyph

Cancer: In 2023, your career is set to expand in ways you hadnโ€™t dreamed possible. It will feel as if you have a lucky charm! Take the chance to put yourself out there and be seen in the public eye for the creative genius you are. If there is any trepidation or doubtfulness at the 11th hour, relax. Deep breaths. Above all else, do not be afraid to bloom.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on personal, socially significant, one-to-one relationships. It’s not the time to announce anything new, but to be in the moment, appreciate and reflect on what is going right, releasing what has gotten kinked. Take your time, and simply experience.

With Mars retrograde in your house of dreams and collective compassion, you might find you need more rest. A lot more rest! Itโ€™s like being a teen all over again, so sleep in, laze around, rest, relax, restore. You might also find that your intuition is heightened, making this an excellent time to learn tarot, astrology or other occult disciplines. Explore the inner realms on your own, and at your own pace.


Leo Glyph

Leo: Seeking new horizons and novel experiences, 2023 brings out high spirits and desires, all year long. Youโ€™ll not go unnoticed, even if you want to. The pace is breakneck, but if you do experience a logjam, itโ€™s likely going to be between your career and love life. Take time to consider before making a choice. Haste means a do-over later. Instead, find balance.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on your work-a-day life. It could be a short stall in the routine, a change of plans, a chance to rethink the day job. You might ease into a new health and fitness program only to find it needs adjusting. So go step by step, reconsider, then step again. There is no rush.

With Mars Rx in your house of friendships, know that itโ€™s not uncommon for messages to go awry. Time drags while waiting to hear back on a project or proposal, so instead of staring at the phone, checking msgs and emails, forget about it. Go do what you love and trust that everything is unfolding in the grace of its own time. If dead wood and thorns are found in your group, club or circle, donโ€™t be afraid to prune.


Virgo Glyph

Virgo: Your New Year is full of surprises and one of them will need to be kept secret while meeting someone eye to eye. Think of it as a magic spell, brewing but not ready to reveal itself. A desire is going to go big very soon but right now itโ€™s best to incubate like a smart mother hen. The best place for full transparency is with your most trusted companions.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on your creative self-expression. A new project may be brewing but not quite ready to be born yet. If children are involved, embrace a phase of chaos before clarity returns. Same with romance. As all is mixed up, it can land, latter in January, in a whole new way.

With Mars Rx in your house of Social Identity, career, mission and profession, there is a push-pull vibe. On one hand, the potential is outstanding for professional advancement, on the other, there are repeated delays. Maybe it’s the weather, or the supply chain or the people, but just accept that the holdup is out of your hands. Remember, a delay is not denial. This slow-down will dial back up before you know it. Optimism always.


Libra Glyph

Libra: The New Year lights up your relationship sector, acting like a guardian angel when it comes to business and/or romantic commitments. This is excellent because you may need it. Yes, thereโ€™s a magical feeling in the air and you can use this rosy glow to improve situations but note: anything swept under the rug is going to come out. Resolve rather than repress.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on any home projects and/or family-life expectations. So go with the flow! Release those expectations and take everything as its own, personal blessing. If there are hard deadlines to meet, soften them. It’s just not the time to push things through. Find peace, and enjoyment within.

With Mars retrograde in your house of long journeys, you might be feeling a bit restless. Hold off on any MAJOR life changes until mid-January 2023 (with Mars direct again) but do consider where you would like to explore. If you can get away for a weekend, take a short course of study or learn a new meditation/yoga technique, all the better. Catch a sunrise/set or two, if you aren’t in the habit. Remind yourself of the majesty and know it is all around you.


Scorpio Glyph

Scorpio: With many planets activating your well-being sector, you enter a time zone of fresh health awareness. This is where you tune in and open your mind to the new possibilities in nutrition, fitness, and essential rest. Ask, “What is this complaint trying to communicate?” You get to the heart of your physicality by approaching the body like a best friend.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on communication, big time. You say left and they hear right. You nod yes and they take it as a no. You’ll need to be extra clear with all written and spoken words or they will be misconstrued. Lost things are difficult to find when you panic so slow down, reflect and learn.

With Mars retrograde in your house of others peoplesโ€™ energy, it could signal a delay or rethink when it comes to gaining a loan, funding or support. You may also find a twist with joint finances, like a loan coming due when you didnโ€™t expect it. Not to worry! The resources are there, as is the collaborative support of a friend. Just be patient and meticulous. All is sorted before you know it.


Sagittarius Glyph

Sagittarius: Creativity and wide-eyed enthusiasm well up from your heart, a la expansive Jupiter in your Self-expression sector. It will be a year to remember! Put your attention on what makes you feel special, artistic, open and sharing. Identify the ingredients that help โ€˜makeโ€™ your day. There is always more where that came from. You just have to notice it.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on your personal finances, income and money streams. If you have new projects to launch, that’s okay but know they will be off to a slower-than-expected start. So drop expectations, rethink your financial needs and feel the joy of how well you know how to take care of yourself. Slow and steady wins this race.

With Mars Retrograde in your personal, one-to-one relationships sector, you might have a major rethink on your hands. At the least, plans slow, or maybe seem to stall, but it’s important not to see this as a failure or falling apart. Instead, see it as a chance to take space so that when you reconnect, you do so with more strength, integrity and wisdom. If planning a major event before mid-January, like a launch or a wedding, allow for delays, and remember to laugh!


Capricorn Glyph

Capricorn: Your core family, home or property is highlighted in the New Year, making it a perfect time for repair or maintenance, but more than that, itโ€™s a time to notice where you are expanding on an inner level too. Doors open when you say โ€˜yesโ€™ to opportunities that light you up. Important! See that you love where you live and live with whom you love.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on the four pillars of your life: Self, Relationship. Career and Home. But not all at once, and not in a bad way. Take this time to reconsider your life and put some love into all the neglect corners. The results are fantastic!

With Mars retrograde in your health and work-a-day life sector, you might find you are evaluating a new job, or even changing up your diet, healthcare or exercise rituals. The key, after such change, is not to judge how fast the better results roll in, but trust that they will. It’s an endless window of opportunity.


Aquarius Glyph

Aquarius: This New Year comes with a major learning curve, but you handle it with grace and ease. Consider especially what you want to teach, learn or study. Itโ€™s not only about reaching for personal goals. Itโ€™s about connecting to wider community links as well. Identify the direction you want to go and settle for nothing less. The universe will respond.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on dreams for the future. That doesn’t mean you don’t get to have them come true. It just means that you rethink them and hopefully reform them in even bigger and better ways. Take this time to relax, let go and feel the wind in your hair.

With Mars retrograde in your house of new horizons, you might find issues with import-export, distant travel or higher learning assignments/exams. (Yes, this again!) Just remember, as said before, that delay is not denial. Things slow down out there, so allow for that. Sometimes things get lost in translation. You can allow for that too. Be patient, and rethink solutions as needed. A person from afar helps!


Pisces Glyph

Pisces: Itโ€™s not always easy to change horses in the middle of an income stream but if you feel a sudden desire for a course correction, do not hesitate. The New Year boost your ability to sense true values and change up where needed. Ancient Amassian proverb: โ€˜The true secret to a happy life is living authenticallyโ€™. Check-in, listen and know. Richness follows.

Mercury Rx from Dec 29th to January 18th puts the brakes on groups, associations and friendships. That doesn’t mean you will be alone or shut out. It means you have a chance to expand your circle and let more people and ideas in. So be open to new things and say YES when offers come your way!

With Mars retrograde in your house of family, home and clan, you can expect a little slow-down, a little detour, a little chance to breathe. Whatever your responsibilities, as a homeowner โ€“ a household carer, a parent looking after a child, a child looking after a parent, a pet/plant momma/poppaโ€ฆ. in other words, the one where the buck stops, you can call a timeout. Ask for the help you need, and receive it. Review. Reflect. Revitalize.

Have a wonderful New Year 2023 everyone!


Chinese Zodiac Glyph Tiger

141 responses to “Bare Bones Scopes”

    1. Kim Avatar

      So glad you do, Bonnie!

  1. Karen Avatar

    So synchronistic!

    Is there anywhere I can view the scopes for the December new moon eclipse, published on 13th December?
    I’d really like to read mine please! (Leo)

    1. Kim Avatar

      Oh…. I just overwrite them. I might be able to ‘look back’ to a previous edit. I’ll try that today and let you know.

      It’s a good idea. I’ll archive from now on instead of delete!


      1. Karen Avatar

        Thanks so much, Kim! I don’t suppose you had any luck finding them?

        1. Kim Avatar

          I’m going to try to revert to an earlier edit (without using this one!) Stand by!

    2. Kim Avatar

      Hi Karen!

      It’s done. We now have ARCHIVES for the scopes, starting with December 2020. Thanks for the suggestion! or click on the menu under Things to Do! (or the link at the top of this page)

      1. Karen Avatar

        Wonderful! I just commented on your post at the top of the page before seeing this. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Kim Avatar

          Saw it, and so glad you made the suggestion! Thank you! It is true progress ๐Ÿ™‚

      2. Jeana Locke Avatar
        Jeana Locke

        THANK YOU!

        1. Kim Avatar

          Pleasure! Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!

  2.  Avatar

    Spot on as always, soul sister ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. A K Wilder Avatar

      Glad they resonate, my friend! โค ๐Ÿ’ฅ โค

  3.  Avatar

    As a early born Capricorn (12/23) itโ€™s been really heavy the last few years. Glad to know I can chill a bit now! My moon is Virgo and my Asc is Scorpio. Intense much?! Ha! Thanks for your uplifting guidance. ๐Ÿฆ‹

    1. Kim Avatar

      My pleasure. With your birthday so close to the Solstice, you will have that exact Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in your solar return chart – all year long! Very exciting!

  4. Nikki D Avatar
    Nikki D

    I was just taking an Epsom salt bath and was wishing for New Moon Scope report from you! Then voila! I love Libra ASC with the โ€œyear of magical connectionsโ€โค๏ธ. This Jupe and Saturn conjunction in Aqua for me is huge with my sun at 1 and NN at 5. โญ๏ธ

    1. Kim Avatar

      I like that timing, Nikki! And yes, the next few months are going to be life-changing! Let’s compare notes! (my sun is 2 Gem, moon 10 Aqua)

  5. marilyn Avatar

    Certainly some beauties in this one… thanks heaps Kimbo โค๐Ÿ’ฅโค

    1. Kim Avatar

      My pleasure, Marilyn!

  6. Satisha Avatar

    I just can’t wait each month for your New Moon/ Full Moon posts wisdom, guidance and support. You always offer me different ways to move forward and I really appreciate that…thanks YOU Kim…XX

    1. Kim Avatar

      You are most welcome, Satisha!

  7. Roxie Avatar

    I always read all 3 : rising, moon and sun which validate what Iโ€™m going through, dreams, wishes, conflicts ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kim Avatar

      It’s good to check in with that broader focus… wishing you all the best with this New Moon!

  8. soewnearth Avatar

    This Crab is off home hunting tomorrow, And my Aquarius rising is very excited about the possibilities.

    1. Kim Falconer Avatar

      Fantastic timing! Let us know how it goes!,/p>

      1. soewnearth Avatar

        Thwarted again, the Universe must have something really special in mind.

        1. Kim Avatar

          I believe that too. My mantra this month is, “Even better!”

  9. Susan Neuvonen Avatar

    I love your horoscopes sooooo much Kim. There is always a sense of calm and positivity even if the Astro is โ€œchallengingโ€. Read Pisces (sun) and Sag (rising) and feel everything is just fine. Thank you

    1. Kim Avatar

      Susan, that makes my day, hearing how much they resonate with you. Thanks for letting me know! Happy New Moon!

  10. Ash Girl Avatar
    Ash Girl

    Spot on Kim I read my kids as well as mine and a couple of friends they truly are spot on Thanks For your insightt …. XxxX

    1. Kim Avatar

      Hey Ash Girl, Glad they are hitting the spot. Thanks for letting me know!

  11.  Avatar

    Wow …. They are so spot on !! I read my kids and they’re exactly where they’re at <3 same with me Thank You for your amazing insight I am very grateful <3 XxxX

    1. Kim Avatar

      Excellent! Thanks for letting me know. Happy New Moon ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Ashlee Avatar

    Ooh thesis exciting for me with the area’s I have been trying to manifest Thanks Kim <3 Xx

    1. Kim Avatar

      Glad to hear it resonates, Ashlee. Happy manifesting! xx

  13.  Avatar

    Thank you so much for all your insights!

    1. Kim Avatar

      My pleasure. Glad they resonate!

  14. Satisha D Avatar
    Satisha D

    Thanks Kim, I really love and appreciate your insights in the moon phases…XX

    1. Kim Avatar

      Thank you so much, Satisha. My pleasure!

  15. Quilly Avatar

    I love this dark, intimate space. Happy to be here with friends ๐Ÿฅฐ

    1. Kim Avatar

      So happy to see you here, Quilly! <3

  16.  Avatar

    So helpful to get a peek at things from your astro savvy perspective! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kim Avatar

      Glad you like, and thanks for dropping in!

  17. Brent Nelson Avatar

    Have a blessed New Moon! <3 ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kim Avatar

      Thank you! <3

  18. Dee Avatar

    Awesome new moon info for this Sagittarius sun, moon in Scorpio read also and Virgo rising!

    1. Kim Avatar

      I love that you read all three to get a well-rounded perspective! (a Virgo thing, I think!)

  19. Abhilash Govil Avatar
    Abhilash Govil

    Loved reading it! My first time in here….excellent! By the way am a Scorpio Nov2nd born In INDIA… follow astrology inquisitively….best regards! Stay safe stay healthy ๐Ÿ™

    1. Kim Avatar

      Hi Abhilash! So glad you enjoy the scopes! Be safe and healthy too.


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