Native Land: Realms of Aturnia, north and south.
Appearance: Usually bipedal and capable of carrying a weapon, tools or objects though they rarely will touch their opponent. Their ‘hands’ are important for creating the vortex waves that push energy away from them.
Abilities: Dispel or vanquish objects, weather, animals or people. The more advanced ones are very specific. They can push away certain types of objects but pass through others. The Aturnians originally used their phantoms to control weather and rain cycles but in the last 500 years, they have been used for war/battle. Opposite of a caller but can create similar results.

Developmental Stages: The ousters are very quick to create the mind link with their savants but they can also take them over. The fabled ‘ghost’ phantoms are said to be ousters that took over control of the pupil’s consciousness and then killed them but remained in a semi-solid form, never to go to ground. This is, as yet, an unproven theory.
Progression: The orange robe that becomes high savant is usually well advanced in years and extremely capable. Because it takes such a powerful mindset to control a pure ouster, the ones that make it this far are usually ruthless and ambitious. In times of war, they make the most cunning opponents. Tann, the Sierrak High Savant, is said to have an ouster so powerful it can chase blood from bone…
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