The whistle bones, thrown by a black-robe savant, can help us make choices along the path.
The original twelve whistle bones were carved from the skeleton of King Er after he lost the battle with the Sea King before the last Great Dying. Each bone was inked with images of the twelve steps along the path to an’awntia (the highest state of mind-body-spirit unity an Amassian can reach) and made into a magnificent crown.
Thousands of years later, in a time of war and treachery, the crown was taken apart and disseminated throughout the realms for safekeeping. The black-robes still carry replicas of each bone, carried in a sack at their waist or over their shoulder.
Instructions for Initiates
Now days, the bones have been made into cards and are placed on a cloth or hide, each in one of the twelve lots. Here are the steps to read them:
Shuffled the cards until you feel settled and relaxed, eyes closed, or in a soft, unfocused state. Allow the question or situation to move in and out of you with your breath.
12 Card Whistle Bone Spread
EntangledTeen’s Bone Cloth
Placed them in a circle, face down, laying them out counter clockwise. Each card is read in relationship to the lot it falls in. Use this spread on solstices, equinox, eclipses or when you want a larger, comprehensive picture of your travels along the path.
For a single, one card reading,choose one of the cards from ANY of the twelve lots. Whatever bone card you draw, read the interpretation for the lot you pulled it from.
For a three-card reading, pull three cards and place them in a row, from left to right. Again, read each card’s interpretation for the lot it was found in. The first card represents the past, maybe a silent discovery or something you want to release. The second position is the present moment, what supports or challenges you right now. The third is the outcome you are heading toward, the adventure along the path.
LEFT – Silent discovery CENTER – Present challenge RIGHT – Future adventure
Below is an interpretation for each one of the original twelve whistle bones as they fall in each lot.
For a full spread examples of the throw of the bones, go to:
Represents: The first step to an’awntia – awareness of Self.
Location: When the crown of bones
was dismantled, Er was given to the Sanctuary of Lepsea to safeguard and later
taken to the sacred Isle of Aku.
Meaning: The Crown of Er represents the first step to an’awntia, awareness of Self. This is the capacity for introspection and the ability to stand tall as an individual, not being swayed by others against your will.
be oneself. To say, I am …
the journey begins, there must be a sense of being, a distinction from the
connection with all life. The first step is similar to sentience, able to
First Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the first lot, it’s time to tune in to personal goals, individuality and what makes you feel distinct. Self-actualized. Your own person. You might re-think your appearance, asking if you are trying to fit in, or really expressing what feels unique to you. As you are true to yourself, others will come to you for guidance. Lead them well.
Second Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the second lot, you will advance your path by exploring a new talent, skill or ability. It might be raw now, just emerging, but the Crown here suggests that by setting goals and following your heart, you’ll turn a dream into a highly sought-after ability.
Third Lot – The Crown of Er in the third lot is about speaking your mind, standing your ground. You don’t want to be so tenacious that you stick by something that isn’t authentic, but you do have an opinion, and the right to express it. Find ways of communicating that are both strong and diplomatic for best results.
Fourth Lot – The Crown of Er in the fourth lot is about your home and sense of roots. If there is conflict there or feelings of having to give up too much power or control, try to negotiate for more equality. You need to take charge of your feelings, your center of being, and be responsible for the space you share.
Fifth Lot – When the Crown of Er is in the fifth lot, it’s time to play. This is where healthy competition moves you further along the path. What lights you up? WHO lights you up? Spend more time doing what you love and creativity will follow.
Sixth Lot – Crown of Er in the sixth lot is about psyche (soul) and soma (body). You find ways to honor both. If there are any nagging health issues or physical complaints, tune in. What is the message there? Take control of your own well-being, and appreciate the body that is carrying you along the path.
Seventh Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the seventh lot, another person is on your mind. You may long to connect more deeply with them, or conversely, you might feel suffocated and need space. The message here is to find ways to be true to yourself AND connect with others. Too much dominance repels as much as over acquiescence.
Eighth Lot – When the Crown of Er is in the eighth lot, you must plumb the depths. It’s time for soul searching, a journey into your own story and what has brought you to where you are today. There might be some contrast around shared resources or responsibilities. Finding a solution that is fair to all advances you along the path.
Ninth Lot – Crown of Er in the ninth lot is about saying YES to opportunities. If there is a chance to travel, explore, study, learn about foreign cultures and places, take it. Even if it’s trying out a new food, spice, genre or film, your world expands when you step out of the usual routine.
Tenth Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the tenth lot, your attention turns to ambition. What is it you really want to be known for? What is your calling? It’s fine if you can’t answer that on the spot, but be willing to explore, take action and try out new social identities. A new mission, or profession, may call to you at this time.
Eleventh Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the eleventh lot, you are ready to participate more deeply in a group or collaboration. You are ready to lead. It may not be obvious yet, how your path is moving towards this goal, but be ready when circumstances put you in a power position, and others look to you for answers. Level up.
Twelfth Lot – The Crown of Er in the twelfth lot is a timeout, an intentional sideline and rest that allows you to renew. The actions you take now need to fuel your heart and soul, so spend a little time on your own, immersing in books, films, time in nature, with animals. You will emerge refreshed and ready to take the next step along the path.
Represents: The second step to an’awntia – awareness of body.
Location: The second whistle bone
in the crown hidden in Nonnova’s sanctuary of Bakton, before the massive
volcanic eruptions.
Meaning: On this cervical spine
bone was cared the Tree of Life, showing the cycle of root to trunk to stem to
bud to flower to seed to root. It’s linked to the lemniscate or symbol
of eternity.
The tree represents the second step to an’awntia, the awareness of physicality. It’s the body, the five senses, earth, the matrix of all life, and our first connection to reality.
is symbolized in the statement I have…
First Lot – When the Tree of
Eternity falls into the first lot, it’s time to become aware of the physical
world. Sights, scents, tastes, sounds and sensations are heightened. Often the
answer to the question is found by spending time in nature, digging in the
earth, planting a garden or a pot of herbs. Feeling connected to nature opens
new doors.
Second Lot – The Tree of Eternity
in the second lot signals the time to roll up the sleeves and put energy into
practical things – earning money, feeling empowered, boosting self-worth,
developing talents and resources. Don’t be afraid to put in the time supporting
what you long to become.
Third Lot – When the Tree of Eternity falls in the third lot, there is something to study, learn, share or develop. Brainstorming is fueled by practical considerations. To build your project from the ground up, you need a plan. Don’t be afraid to learn new things or ask for help.
Fourth Lot – The Tree of Eternity
in the fourth lot is about finding peace, comfort and emotional stability in
the home. You have had enough disruption. Now, in methodical, well thought out
ways, creating a home sanctuary becomes the bedrock for all other goals and
Fifth Lot – Tree of Eternity in the fifth lot of play and romance, creativity and vitality can mean a new relationship is in the air, or a leveling up of an existing one. You may also be inspired to explore your creative self-expression through crafts, artistry, or media that supports practical outcomes like teaching, learning, protecting, developing.
Sixth Lot – When the Tree of Eternity falls in the sixth lot, it’s time to look at two things: your relationship with your body and the messages it communicates to you. The more you listen to and appreciate how your physicality carries you through life, the better you’ll fee. With respect and attention to detail, the path opens to new vistas.
Seventh Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the seventh lot suggests there is a relationship or connection that requires nurturing. Like a live seed, you water, feed and nourish the union as it grows into a strong, powerful collaboration in life. See to it.
Eighth Lot – When the Tree of Eternity is found in the eighth lot, it is time to pay attention to shared resources. The goal is to be pragmatic, fair and firm with any dispute, but you can avoid discord by honest at the start, with regular check-ins and dialog along the path.
Ninth Lot – The Tree of Eternity
in the ninth lot is about taking your skills, gifts and insights and utilizing
them in new ways. There could be a chance to travel, do a course or higher
level degree, and expand your connections to distant realms, discovering new
beliefs and ideas. Explore!
Tenth Lot – When the Tree of
Eternity is found in the tenth lot, the goal is to bring something into
manifestation – an artistic project, a relationship, a skill or even a new
identity. You go about it, step by step, building strength from the ground up.
There is nothing you can’t achieve with the Tree here.
Eleventh Lot – When the Tree of
Eternity is found in the eleventh lot, friends become the focus. You may be
asked to help someone out with studies, work, or even just company in a time of
need. This is where you give of yourself in practical ways, and feel deeply
connected to your like-minded others.
Twelfth Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the twelfth lot suggests you are on the brink of very new things. Goals and dreams for the future may still seem far away, but expect a sign, a synchronicity, signaling a change for the better. You’ll need extra sleep now, and an awareness of “Everything in the grace of its own time …”
Represents: The third step to an’awntia – awareness of mind.
Location: Carved from Er’s
scapula, the third whistle bone in the crown was given to the Sanctuary of
Baiseen to watch over.
Meaning: The Shearwater represents the third step to an’awntia, Awareness of Mind. It includes reflection on one’s thoughts and the power to create change through intention.
are things … so the old saying goes. Here is this whistle bone linked
to the development of mind, ideas, communication and commerce. It distils down
to the notion of I think …
First Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls into the first lot, it’s time to embrace curiosity, communication and the engagement of familiar haunts. In the neighborhood and community, you find ways to express ideas. When in doubt, speak your mind.
Second Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the second lot portends a talent in writing, speaking, teaching and learning. The opportunity to use your voice or narrative appears and you want to be ready to say yes. Develop yourself by opening the mind to new possibilities.
Third Lot – When the Ancient
Shearwater falls into the third lot, a sibling or part way related friend may
play a role in your life. They stimulate your curiosity, encourage a free flow
of ideas and suggest ways to enhance your mind.
Fourth Lot – The Ancient
Shearwater in the fourth lot suggests a change in the home. There could be two
homes, travel between them, or perhaps a friend or sibling moving into share
your space. See this is a time of deep communication and insights.
Fifth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater
in the fifth lot supports creative writing, musical notation, singing, poetry
and visual arts. Along with the artistry, this can be a playfully romantic time
where you share your ideas, chat, flirt and frolic.
Sixth Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls into the sixth lot, a burst of energy follows. The mood lifts and it feels like clear sailing ahead. Just be mindful of your wrists, arms, shoulders and lungs. Any complaints in that area suggest you are not able to speak freely.
Seventh Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the seventh lot is all about the fun that can be had in a partnership. Whether it’s business, romantic or artistic collaboration, playing with a special other vitalizes the soul. There could be two significant relationships happening simultaneously. Skip along the path.
Eighth Lot – The Ancient
Shearwater in the eighth lot can bring news of shared resources or funds. It’s
a good time to state your case for a loan, grant, funding or any other kind of
support. Others see you as a good risk. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Ninth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the ninth lot supports your discovery of other cultures, tribes and ways to perceive them. You are exposed to new belief systems as your mind opens, taking in distant horizons. Excellent for travel.
Tenth Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls in the tenth lot, your calling evokes poetry of the mind. You may write, teach, report, portray… No matter what medium, you are meant to learn from others, and disseminate that knowledge. Strong public image.
Eleventh Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the eleventh lot is extremely social. Even if you’ve been shy and somewhat recluse, you’ll benefit from time spent with others. Belonging to a group is good for the soul. Don’t be afraid to jump in. Find your tribe.
Twelfth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the twelfth lot is
about exploring behind the veil, into the realm of the unseen. You benefit now
from keeping a dream journal and recording the experiences welling up each
night from your unconscious. Spending time alone, in nature and with animals
can restore your health and lift your spirits.
Represents: Spelled both Ma’atta and Ma’ata depending on the region, this whistle bone represents the fourth step to an’awntia – awareness of feeling.
Location: Carved from the femur
of Er, Ma’atta was given into the care of the Pandom City Sanctuary in Tangeen.
Meaning: The representation of Ma’atta is sacred to all, including the Mar, and linked to the fourth step to an’awntia, awareness of feelings, empathy and compassion, symbiosis and inner emotional stability.
Forged from the upheaval of the first Great Dying, the Ma’atta coral was buried with the bones of the old gods, bringing to life something completely new.
In essence, it embodies the sensibility of I feel…
First Lot – When the Ma’atta Coral falls into the first lot, the message is about symbiosis, how sharing energy can bring mutual benefits and advancement along the path. The importance is to find balance so you are not giving away your power, or draining others. Cultivate sensitivity.
Second Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the second lot encourages the development of the imagination. Through art, music, acting or writing, creativity is explored, and hobbies can be developed into a career. Seek to always improve your craft.
Third Lot – When the Ma’tta
Coral falls in the third lot, the feelings behind all communication is
understood more than the words. Psychic abilities are strong. You know when
people are telling the truth, or not. Trust that.
Fourth Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in
the fourth lot suggests it’s time to create a sanctuary of your own. This might
be the home, friends, tribe or family. The important thing is to feel safe,
secure and able to be yourself, even in the midst of change and challenge. Keep
that as your top priority.
Fifth Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in
the fifth lot suggests a time of working with children, teaching and leading in
creative games and play. It also brings out the inner child with all the joy
and sensitivity, emotion and enthusiasm, no matter what the age. Find time to
nurture and celebrate the joyful spirit.
Sixth Lot – When the Ma’atta
Coral falls into the sixth lot, a message is being sent through the body. Any
aches, pains or injuries carry information, giving you the chance to hear your
inner guidance. What does the dis-ease keep you from doing? Face square on any
conflicts of desires.
Seventh Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the seventh lot increases the desire for a warm, nurturing relationship. It suggests a time where existing relationships may need more compassion, more understanding and support if they are to flourish. Follow your instincts if there is a question of staying together, or taking different paths.
Eighth Lot – When the Ma’atta
Coral falls in the eighth lot, it’s time to examine shared resources and
responsibilities in a new way. You may have been too lenient in the past, allow
others to fail on promised agreements. Tough love is required now as you
reassess the give and take in your life.
Ninth Lot – Ma’atta Coral in the ninth lot portends a time of re-connection with distant family and friends. Someone from the past may resurface, reminding you of what you might have missed. Be ready to explore the possibilities of a long-distance relationship.
Tenth Lot – When the Ma’atta
Coral falls in the tenth lot, your connections with others deepens. You have an
instinctual knowing of what they want and can be sensitive to their desires.
This is excellent support for putting yourself out there in ways that are
subtle yet powerful. Perfect placement for working with those in need.
Eleventh Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in
the eleventh lot is about finding friends who resonate with your own heart.
More important than family at the moment, the people you spend time with have a
powerful effect on your next step along the path. Choose well.
Twelfth Lot – Ma’atta Coral in the twelfth lot suggests a time of imagination and creative musing. You are going through a metamorphosis, soon to emerge with stronger intuition, drive and goals. Allow this time of rest and peace as all will move forward soon.
Represents: The fifth step to an’awntia – awareness of creativity.
Location: Carved from the lower
spine of Er, Water Serpent was hidden somewhere in Northern Aturnia. Exact
location unknown.
Water Serpent is an extraordinary symbol of rebirth
and regeneration of the creative heart. It is linked with ‘second chances’
where the journey requires creative risks, unearthing, molding and then plowing
it under to seed the creative fields all over again.
Water Serpent is also linked to the mummifying effect of the Ma’ata and the regeneration that follows, but this aspect, once known to the Savants, was lost. Now only the Mar understand the true significance of the symbol.
Water Serpent embodies the notion of I create…
Lot –
When the Water Serpent falls in the first lot, the path is best approached with
confident and generous airs. Not haughty, but regal. Own your right to not only
be but be in the lead. This is a time where you capture the attention of
others. Charisma!
– The Water Serpent in the second lot means you could be working to hone your
craft, inspire your creativity and imagination while learning the tools of the
trade. Someone may ask you for a favour or support. Trust your gut feeling on
how to respond.
– The Water Serpent in the third lot has something special to communicate. You
might be writing, speaking, teaching or performing in a community play.
Whatever puts you on stage is healthy right now. Share your ideas, and vision.
– When the Water Serpent falls in the fourth lot, the urge is to celebrate.
Throw a party, have friends over, plan a dinner, picnic, hike or swim. Gather
your clan around you and invite them into your home.
– The Water Serpent in the fifth lot is collaboration. You work with someone on
a creative project, or maybe you simply have a blossoming friendship, or
romantic connection that brings you together. It’s a feeling of wonder. Nurture
it to further yourself along the path.
– The Water Serpent in the sixth lot could mean time spent with a pet or
companion plant or animal. Riding, dog walks, cat walks, gardening and play. Caring
for and appreciating your cross-species friends will light you up. Brighten
your daily routine with a friend!
– The Water Serpent in the seventh lot suggests a time of heightened allure.
You attract others to you so it’s the perfect time to make new friends or maybe
begin a romantic adventure. Others see your creative qualities as you develop
them further along the path.
– When the Water Serpent falls in the eighth lot, you might find yourself deep
in study, research and preparation. The outcome is creative, bringing you a new
awareness of what you are capable of. Romance is not off the table, when you
tend to your artistry first.
– The Water Serpent in the ninth lot signifies adventure is nigh. You expand
your horizons to further your creative heart. Travel to new places, learning
about foreign cultures, expanding your beliefs all take you further along the
path. Try something new!
– When the Water Serpent falls in the tenth lot, you find yourself in the
spotlight. Whether on stage, in the public eye or just gaining influence and
recognition in your daily life, be ready for the attention you attract.
Generosity of spirit wins hearts.
– The Water Serpent in the eleventh lot is about new and exciting goals for the
future. Whatever direction you are headed, slow down a moment and reassess. Is
this really what you want, or is it what others want for you? Go with what
lights you up the most.
– The Water Serpent in the twelfth lot fuels the imagination. You dive into the
depths of your inner world and explore dreams, visions and creative
inspirations. What wells up now needs to be expressed. Write, paint, dance,
sing, play, interact. The Muse is alive and well. Feed her.
Represents: The sixth step to an’awntia – awareness of manifesting.
Location: Carved from the
left radius, this bone was originally called the Arm of Er. It was given
to the Whitewing Sanctuary for safekeeping when Whitewing was still part of
It represented the power of the mind to transform
manifest reality. It was later renamed Mummy Wheat, in alignment with the
savants of Whitewing who believed in reanimation after death. This was
represented by wheat growing out of an embalmed corpse. The detailed history is
lost, along with the mummification rituals, but the name remains.
The essence of this whistle bone is I bring order…
Lot –
When Mummy Wheat falls into the first lot, it is time to take a critical look
at the path thus far. Noticing how far you have come, and appreciating all
experiences, no matter how challenging, strengthens your ability to face the
next steps. A new day dawns.
– Mummy Wheat in the second lot heralds a time honing skills and working on
your craft. You roll up your sleeves and don’t let the magnitude of a project
daunt you. Rewards follow, and the results are well worth the efforts. You
level up.
– Mummy Wheat in the third lot is a chance to share ideas in a critical forum.
Discussion and debate, learning, teaching, disseminating information will all
move you forward along the path. As well, it’s a time to laugh with friends and
tell stories late into the night.
– When Mummy Wheat falls into the fourth lot, it might be time to change,
repair or rearrange your living situation. Whether you have a humble home,
mansion, castle or simple a room in the family abode, jump in and make it new.
Seemingly unrelated but magical results follow.
– Mummy Wheat in the fifth lot hones your artistic eye. Whether you write,
sing, dance, paint, play or sculpt, your creative projects now lead you to new
heights. The most important thing, which brings the greatest rewards, is doing
it for the love of it, nothing else.
– Mummy Wheat in the sixth lot is a healing balm. Whatever physical, emotional
or spiritual challenges you face, this placement assures assistance from deep
within, your powerful, intuitive knowing. Ask for guidance, and it will answer,
helping you along the path.
– When Mummy Wheat falls in the seventh house, a relationship comes to a
critical point. It is time to be completely honest with yourself, and the
other, be it romantic, school or academic related, business or artistic
collaboration. Clear the air and breathe easier.
– Mummy Wheat in the eighth lot is energy to spare for research into all things
hidden. You may be embarking on a new romance at this time, and feel you know
nothing about the other. The key is communication. Share your feelings and emotions
and find yourself further along the path.
– Mummy Wheat in the ninth lot is about studying deeply whether it is through a
learning institution or under your own motivation. The results are the same,
the expansion of the mind. Tune into your beliefs and let them carry you onward
and upward.
– When Mummy Wheat falls into the tenth lot, you find yourself thinking about
the future. How will you accomplish all that you dream of? Use this time to
prepare yourself for success. Find what you love and do more of that, every
day. Without fail.
– Mummy Wheat in the eleventh lot brings like-minded others into your circle.
You might find yourself in a critique group, in fitness training, study
sessions, or just gathering more with your expanding tribe. Soon a leadership role
will be offered. You’re ready!
– Mummy Wheat in the twelfth lot is about retreating, just briefly, to
accomplish the great metamorphosis. Be it a day, week or month of quietude, you
rest, replenish and refill, returning stronger, wiser, and more charismatic
than ever before. See to it.
Represents: The seventh step to an’awntia – awareness of others.
Location: Carved from the
frontal bone of Er’s skull, it was originally named the Mask of the Heart. When
the crown bones were dispersed, the name was changed by the Savants of Anon who
guarded it in the most northern Sanctuary of Avon Eyre.
Here is the step along the path where we learn that
everyone encountered, loved or hated, alley or enemy, is a mirror of oneself.
Some Savants claim this to be the most arduous step to an’awntia, taking the longest time to traverse. For this reason, initiate are often encouraged to form partnerships of all kinds to explore, not avoid, this challenging step of which there are nine levels.
Lot –
When the Mask of Anon falls in the first lot, it’s time to find equilibrium.
Check to see if you are doing too much for others or following their
expectations instead of your own ambitions. This is your path to walk, not
theirs, but they also walk with you.
– Mask of Anon in the second lot brings collaboration to the foreground,
working together to achieve your goals. There might be someone on the fringe,
in an academic, creative, artistic or business project, just waiting to be
asked. Invite them in.
– The Mask of Anon in the third lot is about communicating with those you care
about, and really speaking your mind. It’s time to drop the defences and let others
see more of who you are. Share your thoughts; enrich your connections. Relate!
– When the Mask of Anon falls into the fourth house, it’s time to step out of
your emotional comfort zone. You make be feeling safe behind a particular
routine, group or mindset but it’s keeping you from walking further along the
path. Share your feelings honestly.
– The Mask of Anon in the fifth lot is a time for romance, love, artistic
inspiration and new goals. You want to share the joy and excitement in you with
someone who gets where it’s coming from. Find things to do with those who light
you up and the rest will follow.
– The Mask of Anon in the sixth lot is about communicating with those in your
day to day life. It might be opening up to a healer, caring for animal, working
together in the kitchen to nurture yourself and others. The magic is in sharing
t and appreciating the little moments.
– When the Mask of Anon falls in the 7th lot, it’s time to make a
relationship choice. You decide if all of your connections are genuine and
worth putting more time into, of if you are ready to move on from some. The fog
clears, revealing the right choice.
– The Mask of Anon in the eighth lot augers a time of shared resources and
creative magic. You merge your energy with another and discover deeper meaning
to the paths you are on. Where they cross and converge. Trust what you glimpse
of the unknown future.
– When the Mask of Anon falls into the ninth lot, you are ready to take someone
by the hand and adventure, for a time, along the same path. This is a
commitment to explore the unknown, learn new things and discover fresh ways of
perceiving the world. Together.
– The Mask of Anon in the tenth lot puts you, and a partner, friend, or even
frenemy in the public eye. You are both noticed, and critiqued, but the outcome
can be spectacular. Think of it as a way to get in touch with your calling,
your purpose. Genius artistic expression!
– The Mask of Anon in the eleventh lot is about your connection to groups and
how you share responsibilities, and leadership. It’s possible that you will
need to be the diplomat between friends, helping them negotiate a fair deal. One
friend wants to become ‘more’..
– The Mask of Anon in the twelfth lot is about shared dreams. Sometimes
opposite, and divergent goals can spark inspiration, but if someone close to
you doesn’t understand your deepest inner desires, it can feel isolating. Check
in to how much you are aligned, underneath it all.
Represents: The eighth step to an’awntia – awareness of transformation.
Location: Originally carved from
the pelvis bone and given into the care of Northern Arturnia. The exact
Sanctuary was kept secret from the southern realms.
Meaning: Hetta
is the name for the deepest wisdom tradition of the time. This wasn’t just a
body of intellectual knowledge but that of physical experience and spiritual
awakening. Another word for Hetta (from the Retoren to perceive), is Unity.
An image of its likeness was drawn on most of the scrolls and text coming out
of Sierrak and Northern Aturnia.
This is the 8th step to an’awntia where we face change, death and rebirth, and the dissolving of self to re-emerge as something greater through collaboration.
Lot –
When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the first lot, it augers a serious time of learning
and exploration into occult knowledge. There could be a course of study or
training that opens the mind, if not to psychic abilities, then at least to
intuitive knowing. Learn to throw the bones.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the second lot is a time to prepare for, or work
towards, greater self-sufficiency. There can be opportunities to develop
resources, talents or a special craft, turning a hobby into a potential
livelihood. Put energy into what you love doing.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the third lot can bring an important communication or
message. Don’t feel you have to rush a response. Take your time and think
through the answer you most want to give. It could have long-term consequence.
– When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the fourth house, be willing to spend
some time alone in meditation and silence. Even a day, afternoon or hour of
peaceful retreat will bring answers to inner questions that have been pressing
on the mind and heart.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the fifth lot can bring declarations of love, with flirty
and fun excursions. It’s creative and inspiring, as long as you keep things
light. Remember, the essence of romance is uncertainty. Don’t rush to define,
control or contain. Ever.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the sixth lot is wonderful for improving the health,
fitness and relationship with the physical body. If there have been any
complaints or injuries, things improve rapidly, especially with the advice of a
well-respected healer savant for support.
– When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the seventh lot, you might find yourself
ready for a genuine commitment. It could be in a romantic relationship, a
shared project or even a business venture. Trust this as an omen that your
heart, and theirs, is in the right place.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the eighth lot brings intense feelings that must be
expressed. You don’t have to spill these out to another person, if that seems
too risky. You can channel the powerful emotions through story, poetry, art,
music, dance. Live the feelings.
– When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the ninth lot, you could find yourself
traveling with a friend, or romantic partner. It’s not so important where you
go, or how far away, but whom you go with. Aim for adventure and the willingness
to seek new horizons together.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the tenth lot puts you in a position of recognition.
You’re seen by your peers and superiors as capable, talented and inspiring.
Confidence is everything now. Generate that from within and you’ll discover a following
you never dreamed of.
– The Scroll of Hetta in the eleventh lot augers a time of friendship –
co-workers, study groups, book, art, dance, music crafts, you all join in
because of the feeling of tribe. You belong together, for now, and can offer
each other genuine support. Live it up!
– The Scroll of Hetta in the twelfth lot takes you on a journey within. It’s a
time to connect with your inner, higher guidance, letting go the outer world.
Whatever questions or problems you have, the answers are welling up inside you
right now. Close your eyes to see.
Represents: The ninth step to an’awntia – awareness of mind-body-spirit.
Location: Originally carved from the
femur bone of Er, Nii was given to Steepwater Sanctuary, in the realm of
Sierrak, to honor and protect.
Meaning: The
Arrow of Nii originated with Ra Gin Nii, the last monarch of his line. He ruled
in a time when Sierrak was simply referred to as ‘the realm’. As the story
goes, Nii was shot with an arrow as a youth, which caused him to lose sight in
his right eye. Being heir to the throne, he was given a ‘right-hand man’, a boy
his age bound to him for life. (Nii had fourteen right-hand men before he
finally died at age ninety-two). The arrow was remade and kept in Nii’s quiver
until Er took it from him in battle, gaining control of the Realm, later named
Arrow of Nii represents the exploration of the mind-body-spirit connection. To
take this step, the initiate must reach new horizons and experience knowledge
de novo. This is not wisdom handed down, but discovered for oneself, with the
inner sight of the ‘blind’.
Lot –
When the Arrow of Nii falls into the first lot, it is a time of travel,
exploration and the gaining of life experiences. It is accompanied by a
restless energy that can only be satiated by actions, large or small. When in
doubt, move, speak out, adventure!
– The Arrow of Nii in the second lot is about gaining greater perspective
around talents and abilities. Following on from a burst of new confidence, a
period of time honing one’s craft is expected. The key is developing what YOU
feel you have aptitude for, and love doing.
– The Arrow of Nii in the third lot has a much to say. Opinions are strong,
blunt and to the point. With sensitivity in retreat, you might shake up some of
your close relationships. There is always time to come back, explain, apologise
if necessary. But do clear the air.
– When the Arrow of Nii falls into the fourth lot, restless energy wells up in
the home. You might be feeling trapped or limited by your living situation.
Observe your feelings, then take steps to expand your horizons. It begins,
first and always, in the mind.
– The Arrow of Nii in the fifth lot encourages you to take creative risks.
Explore your artistry or develop a hobby or desire you haven’t allowed yourself
to try yet. This is not about perfections. It’s about joy and the journey you
take when you lift your game.
– The Arrow of Nii in the sixth lot can draw you to nature, animals, pets, the
wilds. Spending time outdoors can be very healing for you now. If you take on a
job or more responsibility, be sure to give yourself plenty of space. Don’t let
them fence you in.
– When the Arrow of Nii falls into the seventh lot, you may find yourself face
to face with a fiery, energetic, outspoken person who lights you up. The
feelings may range from love to lust to rage, but they will not go unnoticed. Friends
first is the best motto here.
– The Arrow of Nii in the eighth lot takes the adventure and exploration
inward. You are interested in the deeper meaning of symbols, images and
stories, ready to consider the hard questions of existence. Find someone to
study with who is on the same page.
– When the Arrow of Nii falls in the ninth lot, information streams like a
torrent. You find it easier to learn, study, take care of tasks and business.
It’s great for work and education, but this is also about sharing ideas with
others. Make time to connect!
– The Arrow of Nii in the tenth lot takes you on an adventure with the public
eye. You might be asked to give a speech, represent a cause, group or
condition. This is not a time to isolate or try to go unnoticed. Be interview-ready
every time you walk out the front door.
– The Arrow of Nii in the eleventh lot brings friendship to the foreground. You
might discover a change where some friends become closer and others drift away.
This is the natural filtering of energy, where like attracts like. Appreciate
both coming and going. Allow.
– When the Arrow of Nii falls in the twelfth lot, dreams and imagination take
you to new places. Note down your ideas. They may soon find themselves in a
song, lyrics, painting, image, story or dance. Everything is relevant. Exclude
nothing and no one.
Represents: The tenth step to an’awntia – awareness of leadership.
Location: Originally carved from
the tibia, the tenth bone of Er was called the Jenin Stones, a mistranslation
of Genesis Tree, a stone totem that
told the story of renewal after the great floods It was given to the Sanctuary
of Gleemarie in Southern Aturnia to guard and protect.
Meaning: The
Jenin Stones represent awareness of leadership, purpose and outward path. Part
of the reason for the traditional colors of ascension (from the brown robe of
the potential to the red-robes of the high savants) was based on the story of
the Jenin Stones, and the hope of acknowledging ability and accomplishment in
ways recognized across all the sanctuaries of Amassia, no matter the realm. In
this way, it represents both advancement and accomplishment in one.
Lot –
When the Jenin Stones fall into the first lot, it’s time to test one’s strength,
inner and outer. By working hard in an area or field that brings excitement,
the sense of self-worth is fortified. Even a seeming setback at this time won’t
get in the way. Think persistence and endurance.
– The Jenin Stones in the second lot can indicate a mentor, teacher or
benefactor coming into the life. A goal once seen as unreachable or unrealistic
because of circumstances or training is now, or soon to be, within your grasp.
Don’t give up. Ever.
– The Jenin Stones in the third lot is a portend of leadership and advancement.
There is more to learn, and perhaps something important to teach or deliver.
Speaking and writing skills are put to the test. Rise to this occasion with
strength and endurance.
– When the Jenin Stones fall into the fourth lot, there can be a temporary
clash with authority. See this as a test of mental strength and control. You
are expected to prove yourself, which may seem unfair, but by expressing your
ideas carefully, you’ll do just that.
– The Jenin Stones in the fifth lot turns a light and carefree project into a
serious proposition. What was once a hobby has the potential to be a powerful and
meaningful career. The more you refine your creative interests, the more
recognition you’ll receive.
– The Jenin Stones in the sixth can represent a time of taking on
responsibility for others – peers, plants, children, pets, livestock, the
environment. You are tasked with not only caring for those in need but finding
long-term solutions to their problems. So be it.
– When the Jenin Stones fall into the seventh lot, a relationship is ready to
move, forward, or backward. Whether it elevates to a new level of commitment
and connection, or moves apart, or ends, the results are exactly what you need
to further yourself along the path. Trust.
– The Jenin Stones in the eighth lot brings support in the form of funding,
scholarship, loans or inheritance. It’s a time to rise to the responsibility,
taking the opportunity to improve and enhance your attributes. Collaboration is
on offer too.
– When the Jenin Stones fall into the ninth lot, there is the possibility of
travel to new places, or previously unexplored terrain. This isn’t just a
holiday. You’ll have the opportunity to work, learn and train in new ways. A
mentor appears when you least expect.
– The Jenin Stones in the tenth lot is about your reputation. If it is strong,
you’ll have the chance to keep it that way, or attract even more admiration. If
there were misunderstandings that put you in a less favourable light, you can
correct it now. See to it.
– The Jenin Stones in the eleventh lot gives you a chance to tend to your
friendships. Like a garden, some are flourishing, and some have died back. Cut
dead wood and put your energy into those you love and appreciate for the best
results. Flowers bloom.
– When the Jenin Stones fall in the twelfth lot, it’s time to actualize your
dreams. Whatever you’ve been holding back, keeping quiet, or working on, lift
the lid and let it fly out. Express yourself, not worrying about what others
will say. If you honor your values and integrity, there is only success.
Represents: The eleventh step to an’awntia – path of non-judgment.
Location: Carved
from the fibula of Er and marked with the all-seeing eye, the Eye of Sierrak
was given to the Sanctuary of Asyleen to safeguard, until the bone gather
Meaning: The Eye
of Sierrak represents the wisdom gained from the distance viewing towers of the
high regions of the north. These towers housed the savants who, for millennium,
would unravel the mysteries of the universe and watch for the return of the
second sun.
The eleventh step to an’awntia is symbolized here, known also as the path of non-judgment. This is observation without reaction, with utter acceptance of the experience, just as it is. No ‘right.’ No ‘wrong’.
the savant saying, all paths are good, comes from. It is one of the
hardest paths for the initiate to walk, but eventually, all must.
Lot –
When the Eye of Sierrak falls into the first lot, the critical eye must soften.
There is no less discernment and appreciation, no less awareness of
preferences, but the acceptance of others brings an opening, forgiveness and
connection. Peace be thy path. It begins with you.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the second lot augers a time of developing a new
talent, regardless of what others say. It may seem late in the game to change
tracks, or maybe the new path requires aptitude that must be hard earned, but
putting in the time and focus will achieve results.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the third lot suggests there is more to say, more to
hear in a communication or misunderstanding. Perhaps a message comes, and you
have a chance to reconsider your response. Recognizing another point of view
and respecting that it is right for them, agreement will be reached.
– When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the fourth lot, there can be changes in the
home. If it feels edgy or even disruptive, know that a flexible, adaptable
approach will smooth the transition. Base your emotional stability on
internals, not externals.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the fifth lot is a carefree, childlike experience,
putting a smile on your face. It may be romantic, creative or simply an
adventure, but no matter how frivolous it appears to others, to you, it’s pure
gold. This has legs. Go with it.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the sixth lot suggests a time to tune into the body.
Any discomfort, injury or complaint is a message from the future path, a hint
as to what needs adjusting in life. Throw the bones again, a single card, to
see where you need to have more acceptance.
– When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the seventh lot, a mentor, teacher or new friend
comes into the life to further you along the path. By appreciating their views
and perspectives, you will ready yourself for the next and final step – Self-acceptance.
Be ready.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the eighth lot is a chance to become more at ease with
shared resources, intimacy, connection and unions. Love requires trust and a
measure of nonjudgment to grow. Tend to this like a cherished orchard in
– When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the ninth lot, the spirit of adventure takes
you to new realms. These can be of mind, body or beyond, bringing new people,
foreign customs, fresh vistas into your life. Enjoy. Learn. Understand and practice
the art of allowing.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the tenth lot opens doors to a new path of expression
or calling. Now you can see further and know what you need to prepare yourself
to expand in ways that are fulfilling. There might be a future of teaching,
higher education or artistic exploration. Find your mentor.
– The Eye of Sierrak in the eleventh lot brings a time of harvest, celebration,
dance and music. You connect with friends, celebrate the progress along the
path, and perhaps meet someone new who will be a significant influence in your
life. Enjoy!
– When the Eye of Sierrak falls into the twelfth lot, it is time to release
your own immediate needs, for the moment, and offer help, support or skills to
those less fortunate. Be they savant, non-savant, animal, mineral or plant, give
of your heart and soul.
Represents: The twelfth step to an’awntia – Self-acceptance.
Location: Carved
from the scapula of Er it was thought to be guarded by a young savant in the
Sanctuary of Tutappa.
No one knows how this bone came to rest in a Mar tomb,
under the Tutapa sea. It is guessed that a Mar prince, sent by Teern to procure
the bone, did so as a child, rising up through the ranks of the Sanctuary
before the landmass became a string of atolls.
The only thing known for sure is the beauty of its
sound and the healing qualities of this, the final step. This journey is always
taken alone and no one, Bone Thrower or otherwise, can predict when the
initiate will embrace this enlightening act of self-love.
Lot –
When the Prince of the Sea falls into the first lot, it is time to let go of
pragmatic concerns and dance. Spend time in nature, especially near water of
the sea; tune into the magic of life. Feel the world without knowing where you
end and something, or someone else begins.
– The Prince of the Sea in the second lot augers talent in the arts, crafts,
music, writing and performance. The more you honor your aptitudes, the more they
will grow and develop. Find what lights you up and make THAT a vital part of
your life.
– The Prince of the Sea in the third lot is about persuasion, using words,
voice and nuance to express ideas. You may find yourself studying, teaching or
connecting with others, but ultimately, the creative work is done alone. Take
time out to write, sing and commune.
– When the Prince of the Sea is in the fourth lot, it encourages the creation
of an inner and outer sanctuary. The home is more than a place to eat and
sleep. Assure that it is nurturing, a relief from the stress and toil of
outside life. Make it blissful. Make it your own.
– The Prince of the Sea in the fifth lot is full of romantic notions. You may
have just met someone who lights up your heart, or an ongoing relationship
migrates to a deeper and more expansive level of connection. Take time out to
pursue this union. It is part of who you are.
– The Prince of the Sea in the sixth lot encourages you to make your work
sacred. If you toil in a job/study/routine that doesn’t make you smile, seek
creative change – or find a way to change how you feel about it. The more you love
your life, the further along the path you will travel.
Seventh Lot – When the Prince of the Sea falls into the seventh lot, there could be a creative partnership that offers you bliss and joy. Is it already here, in your midst, without you even realizing? Count your blessings and open your eyes to the gift that are all around you.
– The Prince of the Sea in the eighth lot is about sharing resources to make
something more powerful and more meaningful than you can on your own. There is
a collaboration, or intimacy, that will transform you both. It requires a leap in
the dark…
– When the Prince of the Sea is in the ninth lot, it’s time to travel to new
horizons. You’ll expand your mind when you explore new cultures, new ideas, new
beliefs. Be open to what comes your way now, even if at first it seems too
strange or unconventional.
– The Prince of the Sea in the tenth lot is the sign of the healer, the artist,
musician, the storyteller, the wordsmith. Embrace these nigh mystical aspects
of your nature and share them with the world. There will be time for
practicality later. For now, you dance.
– The Prince of the sea in the eleventh lot can bring a new friend or companion
into your life, someone dreamy, mysterious, creative and alluring. They are
there to wake up this aspect of yourself. Get to know them, welcoming the
companionship, wherever it leads.
Twelfth Lot – When the Prince of the Sea falls into the twelfth lot, you are ready for your next round of steps. You have accomplished much already and by taking time to acknowledge your achievements, accept your desires and live your truth, you are well on your way to your an’awntia.
Throw the Bones™
The whistle bones, thrown by a black-robe savant, can help us make choices along the path.
The original twelve whistle bones were carved from the skeleton of King Er after he lost the battle with the Sea King before the last Great Dying. Each bone was inked with images of the twelve steps along the path to an’awntia (the highest state of mind-body-spirit unity an Amassian can reach) and made into a magnificent crown.
Thousands of years later, in a time of war and treachery, the crown was taken apart and disseminated throughout the realms for safekeeping. The black-robes still carry replicas of each bone, carried in a sack at their waist or over their shoulder.
Instructions for Initiates
Now days, the bones have been made into cards and are placed on a cloth or hide, each in one of the twelve lots. Here are the steps to read them:
Shuffled the cards until you feel settled and relaxed, eyes closed, or in a soft, unfocused state. Allow the question or situation to move in and out of you with your breath.
12 Card Whistle Bone Spread
Placed them in a circle, face down, laying them out counter clockwise. Each card is read in relationship to the lot it falls in. Use this spread on solstices, equinox, eclipses or when you want a larger, comprehensive picture of your travels along the path.
For a single, one card reading, choose one of the cards from ANY of the twelve lots. Whatever bone card you draw, read the interpretation for the lot you pulled it from.
For a three-card reading, pull three cards and place them in a row, from left to right. Again, read each card’s interpretation for the lot it was found in. The first card represents the past, maybe a silent discovery or something you want to release. The second position is the present moment, what supports or challenges you right now. The third is the outcome you are heading toward, the adventure along the path.
Below is an interpretation for each one of the original twelve whistle bones as they fall in each lot.
For a full spread examples of the throw of the bones, go to:
Throw the Bones™
Or, read the single card meanings below.
Whistle Bone Card Meanings
Crown of Er
Tree of Eternity
Ancient Shearwater
Ma’atta Coral
Water Serpent
Mummy Wheat
Mask of Anon
Scroll of Hetta
Arrow of Nii
Jenin Stones
Eye of Sierrak
Prince of the Sea
Represents: The first step to an’awntia – awareness of Self.
Location: When the crown of bones was dismantled, Er was given to the Sanctuary of Lepsea to safeguard and later taken to the sacred Isle of Aku.
Meaning: The Crown of Er represents the first step to an’awntia, awareness of Self. This is the capacity for introspection and the ability to stand tall as an individual, not being swayed by others against your will.
To be oneself. To say, I am …
Before the journey begins, there must be a sense of being, a distinction from the connection with all life. The first step is similar to sentience, able to self-reflect.
First Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the first lot, it’s time to tune in to personal goals, individuality and what makes you feel distinct. Self-actualized. Your own person. You might re-think your appearance, asking if you are trying to fit in, or really expressing what feels unique to you. As you are true to yourself, others will come to you for guidance. Lead them well.
Second Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the second lot, you will advance your path by exploring a new talent, skill or ability. It might be raw now, just emerging, but the Crown here suggests that by setting goals and following your heart, you’ll turn a dream into a highly sought-after ability.
Third Lot – The Crown of Er in the third lot is about speaking your mind, standing your ground. You don’t want to be so tenacious that you stick by something that isn’t authentic, but you do have an opinion, and the right to express it. Find ways of communicating that are both strong and diplomatic for best results.
Fourth Lot – The Crown of Er in the fourth lot is about your home and sense of roots. If there is conflict there or feelings of having to give up too much power or control, try to negotiate for more equality. You need to take charge of your feelings, your center of being, and be responsible for the space you share.
Fifth Lot – When the Crown of Er is in the fifth lot, it’s time to play. This is where healthy competition moves you further along the path. What lights you up? WHO lights you up? Spend more time doing what you love and creativity will follow.
Sixth Lot – Crown of Er in the sixth lot is about psyche (soul) and soma (body). You find ways to honor both. If there are any nagging health issues or physical complaints, tune in. What is the message there? Take control of your own well-being, and appreciate the body that is carrying you along the path.
Seventh Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the seventh lot, another person is on your mind. You may long to connect more deeply with them, or conversely, you might feel suffocated and need space. The message here is to find ways to be true to yourself AND connect with others. Too much dominance repels as much as over acquiescence.
Eighth Lot – When the Crown of Er is in the eighth lot, you must plumb the depths. It’s time for soul searching, a journey into your own story and what has brought you to where you are today. There might be some contrast around shared resources or responsibilities. Finding a solution that is fair to all advances you along the path.
Ninth Lot – Crown of Er in the ninth lot is about saying YES to opportunities. If there is a chance to travel, explore, study, learn about foreign cultures and places, take it. Even if it’s trying out a new food, spice, genre or film, your world expands when you step out of the usual routine.
Tenth Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the tenth lot, your attention turns to ambition. What is it you really want to be known for? What is your calling? It’s fine if you can’t answer that on the spot, but be willing to explore, take action and try out new social identities. A new mission, or profession, may call to you at this time.
Eleventh Lot – When the Crown of Er falls in the eleventh lot, you are ready to participate more deeply in a group or collaboration. You are ready to lead. It may not be obvious yet, how your path is moving towards this goal, but be ready when circumstances put you in a power position, and others look to you for answers. Level up.
Twelfth Lot – The Crown of Er in the twelfth lot is a timeout, an intentional sideline and rest that allows you to renew. The actions you take now need to fuel your heart and soul, so spend a little time on your own, immersing in books, films, time in nature, with animals. You will emerge refreshed and ready to take the next step along the path.
Represents: The second step to an’awntia – awareness of body.
Location: The second whistle bone in the crown hidden in Nonnova’s sanctuary of Bakton, before the massive volcanic eruptions.
Meaning: On this cervical spine bone was cared the Tree of Life, showing the cycle of root to trunk to stem to bud to flower to seed to root. It’s linked to the lemniscate or symbol of eternity.
The tree represents the second step to an’awntia, the awareness of physicality. It’s the body, the five senses, earth, the matrix of all life, and our first connection to reality.
It is symbolized in the statement I have…
First Lot – When the Tree of Eternity falls into the first lot, it’s time to become aware of the physical world. Sights, scents, tastes, sounds and sensations are heightened. Often the answer to the question is found by spending time in nature, digging in the earth, planting a garden or a pot of herbs. Feeling connected to nature opens new doors.
Second Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the second lot signals the time to roll up the sleeves and put energy into practical things – earning money, feeling empowered, boosting self-worth, developing talents and resources. Don’t be afraid to put in the time supporting what you long to become.
Third Lot – When the Tree of Eternity falls in the third lot, there is something to study, learn, share or develop. Brainstorming is fueled by practical considerations. To build your project from the ground up, you need a plan. Don’t be afraid to learn new things or ask for help.
Fourth Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the fourth lot is about finding peace, comfort and emotional stability in the home. You have had enough disruption. Now, in methodical, well thought out ways, creating a home sanctuary becomes the bedrock for all other goals and dreams.
Fifth Lot – Tree of Eternity in the fifth lot of play and romance, creativity and vitality can mean a new relationship is in the air, or a leveling up of an existing one. You may also be inspired to explore your creative self-expression through crafts, artistry, or media that supports practical outcomes like teaching, learning, protecting, developing.
Sixth Lot – When the Tree of Eternity falls in the sixth lot, it’s time to look at two things: your relationship with your body and the messages it communicates to you. The more you listen to and appreciate how your physicality carries you through life, the better you’ll fee. With respect and attention to detail, the path opens to new vistas.
Seventh Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the seventh lot suggests there is a relationship or connection that requires nurturing. Like a live seed, you water, feed and nourish the union as it grows into a strong, powerful collaboration in life. See to it.
Eighth Lot – When the Tree of Eternity is found in the eighth lot, it is time to pay attention to shared resources. The goal is to be pragmatic, fair and firm with any dispute, but you can avoid discord by honest at the start, with regular check-ins and dialog along the path.
Ninth Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the ninth lot is about taking your skills, gifts and insights and utilizing them in new ways. There could be a chance to travel, do a course or higher level degree, and expand your connections to distant realms, discovering new beliefs and ideas. Explore!
Tenth Lot – When the Tree of Eternity is found in the tenth lot, the goal is to bring something into manifestation – an artistic project, a relationship, a skill or even a new identity. You go about it, step by step, building strength from the ground up. There is nothing you can’t achieve with the Tree here.
Eleventh Lot – When the Tree of Eternity is found in the eleventh lot, friends become the focus. You may be asked to help someone out with studies, work, or even just company in a time of need. This is where you give of yourself in practical ways, and feel deeply connected to your like-minded others.
Twelfth Lot – The Tree of Eternity in the twelfth lot suggests you are on the brink of very new things. Goals and dreams for the future may still seem far away, but expect a sign, a synchronicity, signaling a change for the better. You’ll need extra sleep now, and an awareness of “Everything in the grace of its own time …”
Represents: The third step to an’awntia – awareness of mind.
Location: Carved from Er’s scapula, the third whistle bone in the crown was given to the Sanctuary of Baiseen to watch over.
Meaning: The Shearwater represents the third step to an’awntia, Awareness of Mind. It includes reflection on one’s thoughts and the power to create change through intention.
Thoughts are things … so the old saying goes. Here is this whistle bone linked to the development of mind, ideas, communication and commerce. It distils down to the notion of I think …
First Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls into the first lot, it’s time to embrace curiosity, communication and the engagement of familiar haunts. In the neighborhood and community, you find ways to express ideas. When in doubt, speak your mind.
Second Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the second lot portends a talent in writing, speaking, teaching and learning. The opportunity to use your voice or narrative appears and you want to be ready to say yes. Develop yourself by opening the mind to new possibilities.
Third Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls into the third lot, a sibling or part way related friend may play a role in your life. They stimulate your curiosity, encourage a free flow of ideas and suggest ways to enhance your mind.
Fourth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the fourth lot suggests a change in the home. There could be two homes, travel between them, or perhaps a friend or sibling moving into share your space. See this is a time of deep communication and insights.
Fifth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the fifth lot supports creative writing, musical notation, singing, poetry and visual arts. Along with the artistry, this can be a playfully romantic time where you share your ideas, chat, flirt and frolic.
Sixth Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls into the sixth lot, a burst of energy follows. The mood lifts and it feels like clear sailing ahead. Just be mindful of your wrists, arms, shoulders and lungs. Any complaints in that area suggest you are not able to speak freely.
Seventh Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the seventh lot is all about the fun that can be had in a partnership. Whether it’s business, romantic or artistic collaboration, playing with a special other vitalizes the soul. There could be two significant relationships happening simultaneously. Skip along the path.
Eighth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the eighth lot can bring news of shared resources or funds. It’s a good time to state your case for a loan, grant, funding or any other kind of support. Others see you as a good risk. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Ninth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the ninth lot supports your discovery of other cultures, tribes and ways to perceive them. You are exposed to new belief systems as your mind opens, taking in distant horizons. Excellent for travel.
Tenth Lot – When the Ancient Shearwater falls in the tenth lot, your calling evokes poetry of the mind. You may write, teach, report, portray… No matter what medium, you are meant to learn from others, and disseminate that knowledge. Strong public image.
Eleventh Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the eleventh lot is extremely social. Even if you’ve been shy and somewhat recluse, you’ll benefit from time spent with others. Belonging to a group is good for the soul. Don’t be afraid to jump in. Find your tribe.
Twelfth Lot – The Ancient Shearwater in the twelfth lot is about exploring behind the veil, into the realm of the unseen. You benefit now from keeping a dream journal and recording the experiences welling up each night from your unconscious. Spending time alone, in nature and with animals can restore your health and lift your spirits.
Represents: Spelled both Ma’atta and Ma’ata depending on the region, this whistle bone represents the fourth step to an’awntia – awareness of feeling.
Location: Carved from the femur of Er, Ma’atta was given into the care of the Pandom City Sanctuary in Tangeen.
Meaning: The representation of Ma’atta is sacred to all, including the Mar, and linked to the fourth step to an’awntia, awareness of feelings, empathy and compassion, symbiosis and inner emotional stability.
Forged from the upheaval of the first Great Dying, the Ma’atta coral was buried with the bones of the old gods, bringing to life something completely new.
In essence, it embodies the sensibility of I feel…
First Lot – When the Ma’atta Coral falls into the first lot, the message is about symbiosis, how sharing energy can bring mutual benefits and advancement along the path. The importance is to find balance so you are not giving away your power, or draining others. Cultivate sensitivity.
Second Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the second lot encourages the development of the imagination. Through art, music, acting or writing, creativity is explored, and hobbies can be developed into a career. Seek to always improve your craft.
Third Lot – When the Ma’tta Coral falls in the third lot, the feelings behind all communication is understood more than the words. Psychic abilities are strong. You know when people are telling the truth, or not. Trust that.
Fourth Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the fourth lot suggests it’s time to create a sanctuary of your own. This might be the home, friends, tribe or family. The important thing is to feel safe, secure and able to be yourself, even in the midst of change and challenge. Keep that as your top priority.
Fifth Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the fifth lot suggests a time of working with children, teaching and leading in creative games and play. It also brings out the inner child with all the joy and sensitivity, emotion and enthusiasm, no matter what the age. Find time to nurture and celebrate the joyful spirit.
Sixth Lot – When the Ma’atta Coral falls into the sixth lot, a message is being sent through the body. Any aches, pains or injuries carry information, giving you the chance to hear your inner guidance. What does the dis-ease keep you from doing? Face square on any conflicts of desires.
Seventh Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the seventh lot increases the desire for a warm, nurturing relationship. It suggests a time where existing relationships may need more compassion, more understanding and support if they are to flourish. Follow your instincts if there is a question of staying together, or taking different paths.
Eighth Lot – When the Ma’atta Coral falls in the eighth lot, it’s time to examine shared resources and responsibilities in a new way. You may have been too lenient in the past, allow others to fail on promised agreements. Tough love is required now as you reassess the give and take in your life.
Ninth Lot – Ma’atta Coral in the ninth lot portends a time of re-connection with distant family and friends. Someone from the past may resurface, reminding you of what you might have missed. Be ready to explore the possibilities of a long-distance relationship.
Tenth Lot – When the Ma’atta Coral falls in the tenth lot, your connections with others deepens. You have an instinctual knowing of what they want and can be sensitive to their desires. This is excellent support for putting yourself out there in ways that are subtle yet powerful. Perfect placement for working with those in need.
Eleventh Lot – The Ma’atta Coral in the eleventh lot is about finding friends who resonate with your own heart. More important than family at the moment, the people you spend time with have a powerful effect on your next step along the path. Choose well.
Twelfth Lot – Ma’atta Coral in the twelfth lot suggests a time of imagination and creative musing. You are going through a metamorphosis, soon to emerge with stronger intuition, drive and goals. Allow this time of rest and peace as all will move forward soon.
Represents: The fifth step to an’awntia – awareness of creativity.
Location: Carved from the lower spine of Er, Water Serpent was hidden somewhere in Northern Aturnia. Exact location unknown.
Meaning: Water Serpent is an extraordinary symbol of rebirth and regeneration of the creative heart. It is linked with ‘second chances’ where the journey requires creative risks, unearthing, molding and then plowing it under to seed the creative fields all over again.
Water Serpent is also linked to the mummifying effect of the Ma’ata and the regeneration that follows, but this aspect, once known to the Savants, was lost. Now only the Mar understand the true significance of the symbol.
Water Serpent embodies the notion of I create…
First Lot – When the Water Serpent falls in the first lot, the path is best approached with confident and generous airs. Not haughty, but regal. Own your right to not only be but be in the lead. This is a time where you capture the attention of others. Charisma!
Second Lot – The Water Serpent in the second lot means you could be working to hone your craft, inspire your creativity and imagination while learning the tools of the trade. Someone may ask you for a favour or support. Trust your gut feeling on how to respond.
Third Lot – The Water Serpent in the third lot has something special to communicate. You might be writing, speaking, teaching or performing in a community play. Whatever puts you on stage is healthy right now. Share your ideas, and vision.
Fourth Lot – When the Water Serpent falls in the fourth lot, the urge is to celebrate. Throw a party, have friends over, plan a dinner, picnic, hike or swim. Gather your clan around you and invite them into your home.
Fifth Lot – The Water Serpent in the fifth lot is collaboration. You work with someone on a creative project, or maybe you simply have a blossoming friendship, or romantic connection that brings you together. It’s a feeling of wonder. Nurture it to further yourself along the path.
Sixth Lot – The Water Serpent in the sixth lot could mean time spent with a pet or companion plant or animal. Riding, dog walks, cat walks, gardening and play. Caring for and appreciating your cross-species friends will light you up. Brighten your daily routine with a friend!
Seventh Lot – The Water Serpent in the seventh lot suggests a time of heightened allure. You attract others to you so it’s the perfect time to make new friends or maybe begin a romantic adventure. Others see your creative qualities as you develop them further along the path.
Eighth Lot – When the Water Serpent falls in the eighth lot, you might find yourself deep in study, research and preparation. The outcome is creative, bringing you a new awareness of what you are capable of. Romance is not off the table, when you tend to your artistry first.
Ninth Lot – The Water Serpent in the ninth lot signifies adventure is nigh. You expand your horizons to further your creative heart. Travel to new places, learning about foreign cultures, expanding your beliefs all take you further along the path. Try something new!
Tenth Lot – When the Water Serpent falls in the tenth lot, you find yourself in the spotlight. Whether on stage, in the public eye or just gaining influence and recognition in your daily life, be ready for the attention you attract. Generosity of spirit wins hearts.
Eleventh Lot – The Water Serpent in the eleventh lot is about new and exciting goals for the future. Whatever direction you are headed, slow down a moment and reassess. Is this really what you want, or is it what others want for you? Go with what lights you up the most.
Twelfth Lot – The Water Serpent in the twelfth lot fuels the imagination. You dive into the depths of your inner world and explore dreams, visions and creative inspirations. What wells up now needs to be expressed. Write, paint, dance, sing, play, interact. The Muse is alive and well. Feed her.
Represents: The sixth step to an’awntia – awareness of manifesting.
Location: Carved from the left radius, this bone was originally called the Arm of Er. It was given to the Whitewing Sanctuary for safekeeping when Whitewing was still part of Sierrak.
Meaning: It represented the power of the mind to transform manifest reality. It was later renamed Mummy Wheat, in alignment with the savants of Whitewing who believed in reanimation after death. This was represented by wheat growing out of an embalmed corpse. The detailed history is lost, along with the mummification rituals, but the name remains.
The essence of this whistle bone is I bring order…
First Lot – When Mummy Wheat falls into the first lot, it is time to take a critical look at the path thus far. Noticing how far you have come, and appreciating all experiences, no matter how challenging, strengthens your ability to face the next steps. A new day dawns.
Second Lot – Mummy Wheat in the second lot heralds a time honing skills and working on your craft. You roll up your sleeves and don’t let the magnitude of a project daunt you. Rewards follow, and the results are well worth the efforts. You level up.
Third Lot – Mummy Wheat in the third lot is a chance to share ideas in a critical forum. Discussion and debate, learning, teaching, disseminating information will all move you forward along the path. As well, it’s a time to laugh with friends and tell stories late into the night.
Fourth Lot – When Mummy Wheat falls into the fourth lot, it might be time to change, repair or rearrange your living situation. Whether you have a humble home, mansion, castle or simple a room in the family abode, jump in and make it new. Seemingly unrelated but magical results follow.
Fifth Lot – Mummy Wheat in the fifth lot hones your artistic eye. Whether you write, sing, dance, paint, play or sculpt, your creative projects now lead you to new heights. The most important thing, which brings the greatest rewards, is doing it for the love of it, nothing else.
Sixth Lot – Mummy Wheat in the sixth lot is a healing balm. Whatever physical, emotional or spiritual challenges you face, this placement assures assistance from deep within, your powerful, intuitive knowing. Ask for guidance, and it will answer, helping you along the path.
Seventh Lot – When Mummy Wheat falls in the seventh house, a relationship comes to a critical point. It is time to be completely honest with yourself, and the other, be it romantic, school or academic related, business or artistic collaboration. Clear the air and breathe easier.
Eighth Lot – Mummy Wheat in the eighth lot is energy to spare for research into all things hidden. You may be embarking on a new romance at this time, and feel you know nothing about the other. The key is communication. Share your feelings and emotions and find yourself further along the path.
Ninth Lot – Mummy Wheat in the ninth lot is about studying deeply whether it is through a learning institution or under your own motivation. The results are the same, the expansion of the mind. Tune into your beliefs and let them carry you onward and upward.
Tenth Lot – When Mummy Wheat falls into the tenth lot, you find yourself thinking about the future. How will you accomplish all that you dream of? Use this time to prepare yourself for success. Find what you love and do more of that, every day. Without fail.
Eleventh Lot – Mummy Wheat in the eleventh lot brings like-minded others into your circle. You might find yourself in a critique group, in fitness training, study sessions, or just gathering more with your expanding tribe. Soon a leadership role will be offered. You’re ready!
Twelfth Lot – Mummy Wheat in the twelfth lot is about retreating, just briefly, to accomplish the great metamorphosis. Be it a day, week or month of quietude, you rest, replenish and refill, returning stronger, wiser, and more charismatic than ever before. See to it.
Represents: The seventh step to an’awntia – awareness of others.
Location: Carved from the frontal bone of Er’s skull, it was originally named the Mask of the Heart. When the crown bones were dispersed, the name was changed by the Savants of Anon who guarded it in the most northern Sanctuary of Avon Eyre.
Meaning: Here is the step along the path where we learn that everyone encountered, loved or hated, alley or enemy, is a mirror of oneself.
Some Savants claim this to be the most arduous step to an’awntia, taking the longest time to traverse. For this reason, initiate are often encouraged to form partnerships of all kinds to explore, not avoid, this challenging step of which there are nine levels.
First Lot – When the Mask of Anon falls in the first lot, it’s time to find equilibrium. Check to see if you are doing too much for others or following their expectations instead of your own ambitions. This is your path to walk, not theirs, but they also walk with you.
Second Lot – Mask of Anon in the second lot brings collaboration to the foreground, working together to achieve your goals. There might be someone on the fringe, in an academic, creative, artistic or business project, just waiting to be asked. Invite them in.
Third Lot – The Mask of Anon in the third lot is about communicating with those you care about, and really speaking your mind. It’s time to drop the defences and let others see more of who you are. Share your thoughts; enrich your connections. Relate!
Fourth Lot – When the Mask of Anon falls into the fourth house, it’s time to step out of your emotional comfort zone. You make be feeling safe behind a particular routine, group or mindset but it’s keeping you from walking further along the path. Share your feelings honestly.
Fifth Lot – The Mask of Anon in the fifth lot is a time for romance, love, artistic inspiration and new goals. You want to share the joy and excitement in you with someone who gets where it’s coming from. Find things to do with those who light you up and the rest will follow.
Sixth Lot – The Mask of Anon in the sixth lot is about communicating with those in your day to day life. It might be opening up to a healer, caring for animal, working together in the kitchen to nurture yourself and others. The magic is in sharing t and appreciating the little moments.
Seventh Lot – When the Mask of Anon falls in the 7th lot, it’s time to make a relationship choice. You decide if all of your connections are genuine and worth putting more time into, of if you are ready to move on from some. The fog clears, revealing the right choice.
Eighth Lot – The Mask of Anon in the eighth lot augers a time of shared resources and creative magic. You merge your energy with another and discover deeper meaning to the paths you are on. Where they cross and converge. Trust what you glimpse of the unknown future.
Ninth Lot – When the Mask of Anon falls into the ninth lot, you are ready to take someone by the hand and adventure, for a time, along the same path. This is a commitment to explore the unknown, learn new things and discover fresh ways of perceiving the world. Together.
Tenth Lot – The Mask of Anon in the tenth lot puts you, and a partner, friend, or even frenemy in the public eye. You are both noticed, and critiqued, but the outcome can be spectacular. Think of it as a way to get in touch with your calling, your purpose. Genius artistic expression!
Eleventh Lot – The Mask of Anon in the eleventh lot is about your connection to groups and how you share responsibilities, and leadership. It’s possible that you will need to be the diplomat between friends, helping them negotiate a fair deal. One friend wants to become ‘more’..
Twelfth Lot – The Mask of Anon in the twelfth lot is about shared dreams. Sometimes opposite, and divergent goals can spark inspiration, but if someone close to you doesn’t understand your deepest inner desires, it can feel isolating. Check in to how much you are aligned, underneath it all.
Represents: The eighth step to an’awntia – awareness of transformation.
Location: Originally carved from the pelvis bone and given into the care of Northern Arturnia. The exact Sanctuary was kept secret from the southern realms.
Meaning: Hetta is the name for the deepest wisdom tradition of the time. This wasn’t just a body of intellectual knowledge but that of physical experience and spiritual awakening. Another word for Hetta (from the Retoren to perceive), is Unity. An image of its likeness was drawn on most of the scrolls and text coming out of Sierrak and Northern Aturnia.
This is the 8th step to an’awntia where we face change, death and rebirth, and the dissolving of self to re-emerge as something greater through collaboration.
First Lot – When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the first lot, it augers a serious time of learning and exploration into occult knowledge. There could be a course of study or training that opens the mind, if not to psychic abilities, then at least to intuitive knowing. Learn to throw the bones.
Second Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the second lot is a time to prepare for, or work towards, greater self-sufficiency. There can be opportunities to develop resources, talents or a special craft, turning a hobby into a potential livelihood. Put energy into what you love doing.
Third Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the third lot can bring an important communication or message. Don’t feel you have to rush a response. Take your time and think through the answer you most want to give. It could have long-term consequence.
Fourth Lot – When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the fourth house, be willing to spend some time alone in meditation and silence. Even a day, afternoon or hour of peaceful retreat will bring answers to inner questions that have been pressing on the mind and heart.
Fifth Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the fifth lot can bring declarations of love, with flirty and fun excursions. It’s creative and inspiring, as long as you keep things light. Remember, the essence of romance is uncertainty. Don’t rush to define, control or contain. Ever.
Sixth Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the sixth lot is wonderful for improving the health, fitness and relationship with the physical body. If there have been any complaints or injuries, things improve rapidly, especially with the advice of a well-respected healer savant for support.
Seventh Lot – When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the seventh lot, you might find yourself ready for a genuine commitment. It could be in a romantic relationship, a shared project or even a business venture. Trust this as an omen that your heart, and theirs, is in the right place.
Eighth Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the eighth lot brings intense feelings that must be expressed. You don’t have to spill these out to another person, if that seems too risky. You can channel the powerful emotions through story, poetry, art, music, dance. Live the feelings.
Ninth Lot – When the Scroll of Hetta falls into the ninth lot, you could find yourself traveling with a friend, or romantic partner. It’s not so important where you go, or how far away, but whom you go with. Aim for adventure and the willingness to seek new horizons together.
Tenth Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the tenth lot puts you in a position of recognition. You’re seen by your peers and superiors as capable, talented and inspiring. Confidence is everything now. Generate that from within and you’ll discover a following you never dreamed of.
Eleventh Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the eleventh lot augers a time of friendship – co-workers, study groups, book, art, dance, music crafts, you all join in because of the feeling of tribe. You belong together, for now, and can offer each other genuine support. Live it up!
Twelfth Lot – The Scroll of Hetta in the twelfth lot takes you on a journey within. It’s a time to connect with your inner, higher guidance, letting go the outer world. Whatever questions or problems you have, the answers are welling up inside you right now. Close your eyes to see.
Represents: The ninth step to an’awntia – awareness of mind-body-spirit.
Location: Originally carved from the femur bone of Er, Nii was given to Steepwater Sanctuary, in the realm of Sierrak, to honor and protect.
Meaning: The Arrow of Nii originated with Ra Gin Nii, the last monarch of his line. He ruled in a time when Sierrak was simply referred to as ‘the realm’. As the story goes, Nii was shot with an arrow as a youth, which caused him to lose sight in his right eye. Being heir to the throne, he was given a ‘right-hand man’, a boy his age bound to him for life. (Nii had fourteen right-hand men before he finally died at age ninety-two). The arrow was remade and kept in Nii’s quiver until Er took it from him in battle, gaining control of the Realm, later named Sierrak.
The Arrow of Nii represents the exploration of the mind-body-spirit connection. To take this step, the initiate must reach new horizons and experience knowledge de novo. This is not wisdom handed down, but discovered for oneself, with the inner sight of the ‘blind’.
First Lot – When the Arrow of Nii falls into the first lot, it is a time of travel, exploration and the gaining of life experiences. It is accompanied by a restless energy that can only be satiated by actions, large or small. When in doubt, move, speak out, adventure!
Second Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the second lot is about gaining greater perspective around talents and abilities. Following on from a burst of new confidence, a period of time honing one’s craft is expected. The key is developing what YOU feel you have aptitude for, and love doing.
Third Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the third lot has a much to say. Opinions are strong, blunt and to the point. With sensitivity in retreat, you might shake up some of your close relationships. There is always time to come back, explain, apologise if necessary. But do clear the air.
Fourth Lot – When the Arrow of Nii falls into the fourth lot, restless energy wells up in the home. You might be feeling trapped or limited by your living situation. Observe your feelings, then take steps to expand your horizons. It begins, first and always, in the mind.
Fifth Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the fifth lot encourages you to take creative risks. Explore your artistry or develop a hobby or desire you haven’t allowed yourself to try yet. This is not about perfections. It’s about joy and the journey you take when you lift your game.
Sixth Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the sixth lot can draw you to nature, animals, pets, the wilds. Spending time outdoors can be very healing for you now. If you take on a job or more responsibility, be sure to give yourself plenty of space. Don’t let them fence you in.
Seventh Lot – When the Arrow of Nii falls into the seventh lot, you may find yourself face to face with a fiery, energetic, outspoken person who lights you up. The feelings may range from love to lust to rage, but they will not go unnoticed. Friends first is the best motto here.
Eighth Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the eighth lot takes the adventure and exploration inward. You are interested in the deeper meaning of symbols, images and stories, ready to consider the hard questions of existence. Find someone to study with who is on the same page.
Ninth Lot – When the Arrow of Nii falls in the ninth lot, information streams like a torrent. You find it easier to learn, study, take care of tasks and business. It’s great for work and education, but this is also about sharing ideas with others. Make time to connect!
Tenth Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the tenth lot takes you on an adventure with the public eye. You might be asked to give a speech, represent a cause, group or condition. This is not a time to isolate or try to go unnoticed. Be interview-ready every time you walk out the front door.
Eleventh Lot – The Arrow of Nii in the eleventh lot brings friendship to the foreground. You might discover a change where some friends become closer and others drift away. This is the natural filtering of energy, where like attracts like. Appreciate both coming and going. Allow.
Twelfth Lot – When the Arrow of Nii falls in the twelfth lot, dreams and imagination take you to new places. Note down your ideas. They may soon find themselves in a song, lyrics, painting, image, story or dance. Everything is relevant. Exclude nothing and no one.
Represents: The tenth step to an’awntia – awareness of leadership.
Location: Originally carved from the tibia, the tenth bone of Er was called the Jenin Stones, a mistranslation of Genesis Tree, a stone totem that told the story of renewal after the great floods It was given to the Sanctuary of Gleemarie in Southern Aturnia to guard and protect.
Meaning: The Jenin Stones represent awareness of leadership, purpose and outward path. Part of the reason for the traditional colors of ascension (from the brown robe of the potential to the red-robes of the high savants) was based on the story of the Jenin Stones, and the hope of acknowledging ability and accomplishment in ways recognized across all the sanctuaries of Amassia, no matter the realm. In this way, it represents both advancement and accomplishment in one.
First Lot – When the Jenin Stones fall into the first lot, it’s time to test one’s strength, inner and outer. By working hard in an area or field that brings excitement, the sense of self-worth is fortified. Even a seeming setback at this time won’t get in the way. Think persistence and endurance.
Second Lot – The Jenin Stones in the second lot can indicate a mentor, teacher or benefactor coming into the life. A goal once seen as unreachable or unrealistic because of circumstances or training is now, or soon to be, within your grasp. Don’t give up. Ever.
Third Lot – The Jenin Stones in the third lot is a portend of leadership and advancement. There is more to learn, and perhaps something important to teach or deliver. Speaking and writing skills are put to the test. Rise to this occasion with strength and endurance.
Fourth Lot – When the Jenin Stones fall into the fourth lot, there can be a temporary clash with authority. See this as a test of mental strength and control. You are expected to prove yourself, which may seem unfair, but by expressing your ideas carefully, you’ll do just that.
Fifth Lot – The Jenin Stones in the fifth lot turns a light and carefree project into a serious proposition. What was once a hobby has the potential to be a powerful and meaningful career. The more you refine your creative interests, the more recognition you’ll receive.
Sixth Lot – The Jenin Stones in the sixth can represent a time of taking on responsibility for others – peers, plants, children, pets, livestock, the environment. You are tasked with not only caring for those in need but finding long-term solutions to their problems. So be it.
Seventh Lot – When the Jenin Stones fall into the seventh lot, a relationship is ready to move, forward, or backward. Whether it elevates to a new level of commitment and connection, or moves apart, or ends, the results are exactly what you need to further yourself along the path. Trust.
Eighth Lot – The Jenin Stones in the eighth lot brings support in the form of funding, scholarship, loans or inheritance. It’s a time to rise to the responsibility, taking the opportunity to improve and enhance your attributes. Collaboration is on offer too.
Ninth Lot – When the Jenin Stones fall into the ninth lot, there is the possibility of travel to new places, or previously unexplored terrain. This isn’t just a holiday. You’ll have the opportunity to work, learn and train in new ways. A mentor appears when you least expect.
Tenth Lot – The Jenin Stones in the tenth lot is about your reputation. If it is strong, you’ll have the chance to keep it that way, or attract even more admiration. If there were misunderstandings that put you in a less favourable light, you can correct it now. See to it.
Eleventh Lot – The Jenin Stones in the eleventh lot gives you a chance to tend to your friendships. Like a garden, some are flourishing, and some have died back. Cut dead wood and put your energy into those you love and appreciate for the best results. Flowers bloom.
Twelfth Lot – When the Jenin Stones fall in the twelfth lot, it’s time to actualize your dreams. Whatever you’ve been holding back, keeping quiet, or working on, lift the lid and let it fly out. Express yourself, not worrying about what others will say. If you honor your values and integrity, there is only success.
Represents: The eleventh step to an’awntia – path of non-judgment.
Location: Carved from the fibula of Er and marked with the all-seeing eye, the Eye of Sierrak was given to the Sanctuary of Asyleen to safeguard, until the bone gather comes.
Meaning: The Eye of Sierrak represents the wisdom gained from the distance viewing towers of the high regions of the north. These towers housed the savants who, for millennium, would unravel the mysteries of the universe and watch for the return of the second sun.
The eleventh step to an’awntia is symbolized here, known also as the path of non-judgment. This is observation without reaction, with utter acceptance of the experience, just as it is. No ‘right.’ No ‘wrong’.
Where the savant saying, all paths are good, comes from. It is one of the hardest paths for the initiate to walk, but eventually, all must.
First Lot – When the Eye of Sierrak falls into the first lot, the critical eye must soften. There is no less discernment and appreciation, no less awareness of preferences, but the acceptance of others brings an opening, forgiveness and connection. Peace be thy path. It begins with you.
Second Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the second lot augers a time of developing a new talent, regardless of what others say. It may seem late in the game to change tracks, or maybe the new path requires aptitude that must be hard earned, but putting in the time and focus will achieve results.
Third Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the third lot suggests there is more to say, more to hear in a communication or misunderstanding. Perhaps a message comes, and you have a chance to reconsider your response. Recognizing another point of view and respecting that it is right for them, agreement will be reached.
Fourth Lot – When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the fourth lot, there can be changes in the home. If it feels edgy or even disruptive, know that a flexible, adaptable approach will smooth the transition. Base your emotional stability on internals, not externals.
Fifth Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the fifth lot is a carefree, childlike experience, putting a smile on your face. It may be romantic, creative or simply an adventure, but no matter how frivolous it appears to others, to you, it’s pure gold. This has legs. Go with it.
Sixth Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the sixth lot suggests a time to tune into the body. Any discomfort, injury or complaint is a message from the future path, a hint as to what needs adjusting in life. Throw the bones again, a single card, to see where you need to have more acceptance.
Seventh Lot – When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the seventh lot, a mentor, teacher or new friend comes into the life to further you along the path. By appreciating their views and perspectives, you will ready yourself for the next and final step – Self-acceptance. Be ready.
Eighth Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the eighth lot is a chance to become more at ease with shared resources, intimacy, connection and unions. Love requires trust and a measure of nonjudgment to grow. Tend to this like a cherished orchard in spring.
Ninth Lot – When the Eye of Sierrak falls in the ninth lot, the spirit of adventure takes you to new realms. These can be of mind, body or beyond, bringing new people, foreign customs, fresh vistas into your life. Enjoy. Learn. Understand and practice the art of allowing.
Tenth Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the tenth lot opens doors to a new path of expression or calling. Now you can see further and know what you need to prepare yourself to expand in ways that are fulfilling. There might be a future of teaching, higher education or artistic exploration. Find your mentor.
Eleventh Lot – The Eye of Sierrak in the eleventh lot brings a time of harvest, celebration, dance and music. You connect with friends, celebrate the progress along the path, and perhaps meet someone new who will be a significant influence in your life. Enjoy!
Twelfth Lot – When the Eye of Sierrak falls into the twelfth lot, it is time to release your own immediate needs, for the moment, and offer help, support or skills to those less fortunate. Be they savant, non-savant, animal, mineral or plant, give of your heart and soul.
Represents: The twelfth step to an’awntia – Self-acceptance.
Location: Carved from the scapula of Er it was thought to be guarded by a young savant in the Sanctuary of Tutappa.
Meaning: No one knows how this bone came to rest in a Mar tomb, under the Tutapa sea. It is guessed that a Mar prince, sent by Teern to procure the bone, did so as a child, rising up through the ranks of the Sanctuary before the landmass became a string of atolls.
The only thing known for sure is the beauty of its sound and the healing qualities of this, the final step. This journey is always taken alone and no one, Bone Thrower or otherwise, can predict when the initiate will embrace this enlightening act of self-love.
First Lot – When the Prince of the Sea falls into the first lot, it is time to let go of pragmatic concerns and dance. Spend time in nature, especially near water of the sea; tune into the magic of life. Feel the world without knowing where you end and something, or someone else begins.
Second Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the second lot augers talent in the arts, crafts, music, writing and performance. The more you honor your aptitudes, the more they will grow and develop. Find what lights you up and make THAT a vital part of your life.
Third Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the third lot is about persuasion, using words, voice and nuance to express ideas. You may find yourself studying, teaching or connecting with others, but ultimately, the creative work is done alone. Take time out to write, sing and commune.
Fourth Lot – When the Prince of the Sea is in the fourth lot, it encourages the creation of an inner and outer sanctuary. The home is more than a place to eat and sleep. Assure that it is nurturing, a relief from the stress and toil of outside life. Make it blissful. Make it your own.
Fifth Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the fifth lot is full of romantic notions. You may have just met someone who lights up your heart, or an ongoing relationship migrates to a deeper and more expansive level of connection. Take time out to pursue this union. It is part of who you are.
Sixth Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the sixth lot encourages you to make your work sacred. If you toil in a job/study/routine that doesn’t make you smile, seek creative change – or find a way to change how you feel about it. The more you love your life, the further along the path you will travel.
Seventh Lot – When the Prince of the Sea falls into the seventh lot, there could be a creative partnership that offers you bliss and joy. Is it already here, in your midst, without you even realizing? Count your blessings and open your eyes to the gift that are all around you.
Eighth Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the eighth lot is about sharing resources to make something more powerful and more meaningful than you can on your own. There is a collaboration, or intimacy, that will transform you both. It requires a leap in the dark…
Ninth Lot – When the Prince of the Sea is in the ninth lot, it’s time to travel to new horizons. You’ll expand your mind when you explore new cultures, new ideas, new beliefs. Be open to what comes your way now, even if at first it seems too strange or unconventional.
Tenth Lot – The Prince of the Sea in the tenth lot is the sign of the healer, the artist, musician, the storyteller, the wordsmith. Embrace these nigh mystical aspects of your nature and share them with the world. There will be time for practicality later. For now, you dance.
Eleventh Lot – The Prince of the sea in the eleventh lot can bring a new friend or companion into your life, someone dreamy, mysterious, creative and alluring. They are there to wake up this aspect of yourself. Get to know them, welcoming the companionship, wherever it leads.
Twelfth Lot – When the Prince of the Sea falls into the twelfth lot, you are ready for your next round of steps. You have accomplished much already and by taking time to acknowledge your achievements, accept your desires and live your truth, you are well on your way to your an’awntia.